emacs / doom / editor group therapy

Consider it done me ol’ son. The interface for moving posts is quite nifty btw, it’s all a touch above pphb stuff.

@Bevo : For C++ autocomplete Doom didn’t install irony-server so I installed it, but the install instructions left out a dependecy on libclang-11-dev.

yeah I don’t have autocomplete happening

Doom doctor gave me this:

I ran M-x irony-install-server a couple of days ago but it didn’t work

How do I install libclang-11-dev?

sudo apt install cmake libclang libclang-11-dev

Should be all you need, there are instructions here but they miss out libclang-11-dev:

Actually if you are on Ubuntu 18.04 you might have libclang-10 in the package repo. Adjust to taste! :slight_smile:

I got libclang-10 installed already

Running your command I got:

I’m on 20.04

Oh, that’s not the package name for libclang, sorry about that. If you have 10 installed then I assume you can roll with that and install libclang-10-dev.

I got this from trying to install the irony server

Is that after installing libclang-10-dev?

Looks like I got it

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Before and after, the same

So the irony-server is for autocomplete yeah?

How come they use clang instead of gcc?

LOL @ this message from Doom:

clangd is used by a bunch of autocomplete things these days and I don’t think GNU offer any similar tool. The autocomplete seems quite nice, it uses a compile_commands.json file for knowing project include paths, so you can generate that with xmake or cmake or ninja.

xmake: xmake project -k compile_commands.json

cmake: some cmake SHOUTY crap

So yours is working ok?

Yup, this is from an SFML window, so a 3rd party library installed via xmake, using a compile_commands.json:
