Random interesting things

Insomnia again

So in the middle of the night I’m checking out some history sites and Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, Ist Duke of Wellington, Prime Minister of the UK [2x] appeared.

Turns out he had three sons, two of whom bore his name but a third was by one of his partners, Elizabeth Dundas.

I clicked some links and found out that particular son came to Australia, got married and had a daughter, who in turn had a daughter whose family I noted that they lived not far from where I grew up, and then after a couple more links found out that the daughter was my father’s father’s mother. I genuinely had no idea, I figure the out-of-wedlock paradigm kinda prohibited any family mention of it in the past.

That means within the space of 5 - 6 generations I’m a blood relative to two former Prime Ministers, one being my direct ancestor 6 gens back, the Duke of Wellington; the other Kevin Rudd, and my Dad is/was a 5th cousin to Elizabeth 2nd, not a Sax Coburg but there was a common ancestor six gens back from me.

Kevin Rudd’s and my common ancestor was the youngest convict ever sent to Australia, Mary Wade, sentenced to death for theft aged 11, her sentence commuted to life transportation. Weird stuff.

None of those mentioned who came here to Aust. had an ivory tower posh way of life though, they were workers, the guy who married the Duke’s grand daughter for example was a hardworking hands on stockman, and worked with Aboriginal people, no atrocity scandals. My hundreds of kin in those [rural] areas have the respect of Aboriginals, do you think they don’t know who’s done right or wrong by them?

You get your chess playing abilities from your superior lineage! Forgive me if I speak out of turn, but this at least warrants a username change, does it not my Lord? :slight_smile:

Morgo, descendant of the youngest convict evah!

Maybe we could think up an abbreviated “Morgo, of the Duke of Wellington’s bastard line” lol

Note: I edited that previous post for accuracy, six gens to the Duke, not five, mother and daughter with duplicate names threw me math orf.

Don’t play it down, you have royal blood which means access to the illuminati’s squash clubs and unlimited complementary house adrenochrome.

If you work out what your position is in terms of heir to the throne that would be a good one. I think all the “legitimate” royals would have to die so you might be a few thousand down the line by now. There’s got to be a number involved.

My cousin once told me out of the blue that his mother, my Dad’s sister had calculated that number to be 47, but don’t quote me on that one haha.

Never knew I was a descendant of Wellesely and the hot piece of fluff he had on the side though

Hear that boys? Ol’ morgo is a bit of royalty and might be your big gov ticket in for getting some things done over there. Let me know when you fellas get Roo search up and running.

I don’t know of any relatives in govt though BW. Kevin Rudd was the only one afaik and they threw him out!

He was going to introduce a mining tax that would have seen the general population share more of the massive mining profits.

Obviously that couldn’t be tolerated.

Most my relos have been working class, middle class professionals, tradies, salt of the earth types etc. No old money.

Apparently if there WAS money in a well off family back in the day it all went to the eldest son and the rest had to go it alone.

None of that stuff in my aforementioned posts matters here like it might in some countries. I’ve only ever been a sometime pro, semi pro musician, tutor and laborer, I still rent.

And those old wars and battles like most since seem so effing unnecessary.

Beyond that I can’t claim to know the imperatives of the day.

So to me it’s no more than maybe a random interesting fact, not a claim to anything other than that.

In fact, I’d like to take this discussion further. For example most Aussie high performers in arts/sports have a largely working class background. With or without hi falutin backgrounds. The most accomplished musicians in my lot were working class, with no so called fancy connections whatsoever.

Bloody interesting Morgon…lord?..von?

I don’t want to look into my bloodline in case I find out I related to any of yous fuckers :japanese_goblin:

What about Margaret Court who won 24 tennis grand slams? Apparently she came from a toff background.

She also has super-breath and is multi-lingual…

Well it ain’t me, I view it all with incredulity.
If I’d been born and raised in isolation I never would have guessed that people could put so much time and effort into such miserable stuff as battles/wars of attrition.

Formerly Margaret Smith, doesn’t seem particularly posh but mother is Catharine Beaufort, which does sound a bit suspicious.

That “speaking in tongues” crap is cringe worthy. I watched/read something years ago that explained how one 100 year old Earth creationist did it and a couple of other church guys saw it. They had a big meeting, an international affair, and decided that everybody should do it. And they did. They could miraculously all “speak in tongues” in an instant. Even though speaking in tongues means everybody can understand, not nobody.

Exactly. In the story of Pentecost foreigners heard the apostles speaking in their own language, not gibberish.

I think the defence to that varies from “it could be a forgotten ancient language” to “it’s a secret mystical language”,
but from all the baas Court said, it’s might be from Baal instead…

It’s astoundingly low effort as well… “ba ba ba ha ha ha” ffs. :roll_eyes:

I don’t get that social distancing laws are supposed to be for everyone’s sake yet pro and ex-pro athletes are still allowed near microphones.

They do it over here, too – the pentecostal movement. It’s God’s own language, a direct line, as it were. More moderate Christians find it embarrassing.

It is embarrassing, I’d prefer it if Christianity went the more Sikh or Jewish route where people mostly went to hang out at the big building with the community. No real faith required. Certainly no singing 500 versions of “I love you, you really are so fucking amazing” over and over! The old ideas of a bearded sky monster ruling over us might be outdated, but we built so much of our societies around the cultural aspect of it that it seems chaos is filling the void that religion once filled.

Maybe that’s been the plan? Wait, there is no plan.

Everything is an accident.
Everything is an accident.
Everything is an accident.
Everything is an accident.
Everything is an accident.
