
Found this re Lua:

Not sure if that’s the only one

Is that a line in vscode settings?

Oh this one


How exactly do you use it?
Do you have to flash the board or something?

NodeMCU is the one I remember was supposed to be the thing. I don’t know how portable ulua would be with LuaJIT since LJ is all about the ASM instead of portable C.

Yeah that’s the only one I’ve seen so far the they use for Lua


NodeMCU is ESP8266 only, not ESP32?

I dunno, there’s this:

… but it’s for a specific board so I don’t know how that translates to general boards.

My girl has been watching this series of 103 videos on basic electronics
It’s a good channel, lots of content like math etc

Have you seen this channels video playlist for Lua on the ESP32?

I watched the installation one, it seemed straightforward

I can’t remember what I did, it looks okay there. Nice production in the video too, with the music choice etc I wouldn’t have been surprised with a bit of dramatic drone footage at the end. :slight_smile: