What are you listening to now

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Ahh that epic album was one hit after another

I’ve had this one in my head for days now…

Thinking this might be a good theme song for our November elections.

a heathens war lies up ahead…

Frank Zappa interviewed by Norman Gunston, features a good jam

How good was Norman on the harp there, he even thru in the old ABC theme at the end! :smiley:

Reminds me of way back in the day when I was fresh off the boat in Australia, playing the cover circuit
We used to do this legendary Zappa tune as an encore
What a show stopper

How good was Frank?? Talk about telling the world to kiss my ass and doing your own thing. Wish we had more of that these days.

What was his quote someone posted a while back? “It’s one thing to kneel, but it’s a totally different thing to bend over”.

How good is that!!

Scott Grove on YouTube giving one of his guitar lessons.

Ha, Little Big are a good rabbit hole of videos to disappear down! :smiley:

everybody knows that… anybody know… anybody probably knows that…

Give the dogs a bone… youtube blocked stories about hunter biden during the election… they interfered in the election… now they want to ban videos that say there was shady shit in the election… i wonder if they will let stories about hunter biden back on with the current news… play stupid games win stupid prizes!

Just poured me a generous Jim Beam (with a drop of water). I feel outdated. Song’s not too shabby, though. Did it have a message?

Recycle your paper products and be careful which dogs you fuck around with… you might just get bit in the ass.

Gotta love a girl whos handy around the house with the powertools…

Maybe I should clarify the above post so as not to be dragged into a locked room by government agencies. The recent event which sprung this song to new attention has given the song something of a dark humor (not to be interpreted as me thinking that the event was humorous) that is heavier than the heaviest of any metal songs ever made.