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Tule tree, in Oxaca Mexico. 2000 years old
[May contain animals] :smiley:

dog on cop

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That’s a gangsta drug lord

LOL Hardly - though she’s definitely in charge of the house.

She’s a sweetie though. And always watchful.

If Tik Tok has taught me anything, apart from it’s a whole new way to waste your life…it’s that ALL cats are gangsta drug lords.

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EXCUSE ME, Sir. Where did you get that information about cats being “gangsta drug lords.”?

I, Bugsy the Cat, do hereby declare that I have no affiliation with any Drug Gangs. Or non drug Gangs.

I hereby strongly advise you to retract these blasphemous allegations towards felines, within 48 hours, failing which I shall instruct my daddy to sue you for libel.

You are hereby on notice.

i know people shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but what do you expect with a name like Bugsy?


LOL, good point.

Actually Bugsy was the name of my first pet, a beautiful collie. She was a total sweetheart, I deliberately gave her a gangster name just because she was the total opposite. Still miss her.

I liked the name so much, so I decided to give my cat the same name. She’s a sweetheart as well.

Why change a winning name.

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