Now that I have a smug look on my face when I bake bread, I’ve done my time, made my mistakes.
It’s time for my next venture, brewing beer.
I got a bonus at work so have purchased a Fermzilla pressure fermenter for beer
and a regular bucket for ginger beer.
Has anyone else gone down this glorious path?
Btw my handle at is gazarak
Come at me bro!
I made wine for a time. Got a couple of good batches and a couple of bad ones, but harnessing nature is always good. These days I wouldn’t be getting high on my own supply, so there’s no point!
If you are going to I’d get one of the big plastic containers that go on stands with small bulbous parts coming out of the bottom that catch and seal off the sediment. I didn’t know about those when I went from glass demijohn to plastic, but it seems like they’d save a bunch of time clearing the wine.