Bats vs cats

  • Bats
  • Cats

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Two completely randomly selected representative pictures of the species for those who need to muse:

shame that rats (or hats) weren’t options

Oh bollocks, I should have added rats. Maybe Pats too. Here’s two for the price of one

Or boots and cats.

Ha, that’s brilliant (although bats would have kept that kick thumpin’ a bit better)! :slight_smile:

Bats FTW! I mean, c’mon, flying, vampires, deadly diseases of various kinds, sonar, you can make gunpowder out of their poop, goth as fuck… clearly bats.

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You can make comfortable gloves/slippers out of cats, so I’ll give them that. Although it seems as though it would be quite easy to assemble bats into makeshift umbrellas.