Bye Bye Darya

You should invite him to the lounge, he fits right in.

Not only here but pretty much everywhere else.

Especially when more folks realise they’ve been taken for a ride by a sociopathic narcissistic elitist self serving greedy and cruel ethnic cabal and their minions/apologists whom you worship unashamedly.

Like this guy?

Half of the US people voted for this moron.

He’s a con artist, a fraud, fucking around while his wife was pregnant, cheated millions of small businesses.

And yet, the Republicans look to him as their Fuehrer, even now.

That the sheep you are referring to?


Anyone can allege all kinds of stuff against a political opponent, some part of that may even be true. The difference is of scale with the current regime, it’s blatantly obvious all the criminal activity which affects scores of millions, the theft and laundering of $billions in the Ukraine, the forced experimental vax or loss of jobs, the state sponsored molestation of children.

All the bullshit artists and their fake whining about Trump starting wars, yet another of endless fake accusations, but soon as the election was over the fake liberals couldn’t wait to provoke another highly profitable money laundering op in Ukraine.

And it’s Trump who got impeached for the Dem corruption in Ukraine, and it’s worse than ever with many dying now as a direct result of that corruption.

Bill and Hill seem to like him.

Seriously Peter, I would like to get your honest thoughts on what you think when you look at that picture. No trolling, just what goes through your mind when you see that after everything that’s happened.

He can probably be really charming when he wants to, or at least he used to be able to. This is many years ago. Con artists can be really charming if they want to, that’s part of their shtick.

Well I guess you can look at it that way. But another way to look at it is how hypocritical they are.

Do you really think the Clintons are that gullible?

Trump’s life has been an open book since the 80’s, anyone with half a brain knew full well what he was all about. But everyone was fine with that until he started trying to upset their apple cart.