CERN - Contact With Parallel Universe In Days

Days. 1,821 days. That’s how many days have passed since that article was originally published by, the digital arm of the Daily Express and Sunday Express in 2015.

Yes it’s old, but not from the Express - the almost identical original is here:

At some point the universe will be turned into grey goo by these guys, but the important thing is we will continue achieve a greater understanding of how that might happen right up until the moment we disintegrate.

Scientist - “Hey look guys, the hypothesis was correct, and now we’re like Gods! -who even hold the ultimate power of life and dea…”[head disappears over event horizon]

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At the bottom of that article:


Oh yeah, you are indeed correct. Thanks for pointing that out.

That thing is nothing but a ridiculously big nutcracker. In any case, I should proceed with caution. It doesn’t sit right with me that the end of days were brought about by some labcoats playing around with some superduper tech toy.