Cheers from sunny California

Or that nignog tyrone… or jesus who came over the border… lol jk… saying shit like that is racist… like the shit youre spouting…

He’s a troll.

Let’s see, emigrate to a new country so you can trash it.
Say you’re a lawyer, then say innocent people don’t plead guilty. Then say you’re not a lawyer after all, just a liar.
Stereotype people he’s never met.
Pull out the Deliverance cliche’, while defending his own demokkkrat party.
Keep posting the same meme over and over.
Oh, and completely ignore the fact that California is a net taker, while spouting over and over “facts” from 20 years ago. Funny how the foreigner who hasn’t paid shit into the system is bailing all the real citizens out.
Thinks Trump put “kids in cages”.

Ugh, just go back to reaper. I see they’re still sporting the catchy black lives matter slogan on the download page. haha