Chinese invasion of the US?

Most odd article

Yeah, a bit of race baiting there. China is a massive country, people are coming in from all over the world and most migrants are young men so singling the Chinese ones out as if it’s unusual is a bit pathetic.

I would bet China HAS sent in some agents along with the illegals
They would have been silly not to take advantage of Biden’s ‘Welcome, Illegals’ policy
Bit of an own goal there

But there’s no army coming in, no evidence they are over-represented amongst the flood of world migrants pouring over the southern border
Don’t think any terrorism has ever been traced back to Chinese nationals either

Although China is the only country capable of invading with numbers,
I doubt they ever would
It costs a lot of money to maintain an overseas army
And if you occupy a country, you have to prop it’s economy up and make sure the citizens are fed

China is still building and still has some people in poverty to drag up, they won’t waste money maintaining the US
An economic war is way more likely

Just like Ukraine, Russia won’t occupy an unwilling populace, too expensive
They’ll just wreck them and leave

China is still building and still has some people in poverty to drag up, they won’t waste money maintaining the US
An economic war is way more likely

China looks on at all the stupidity and figures that they’ll ignore most of it except in cases where some dickhead like Blinken makes some absurd accusation or other. The problem for zioneocons is that the Chinese aren’t swayed by the holocaust narrative, they basically tell Blinken to fuck off.

But stateside in the US, the first thing Blinken does when addressing adversarial politicians is to posit that his father or grandfather was a holocaust survivor so everyone has to shut up then. His story about his ancestor escaping a nazi deathcamp and linking up with some American tank battalion has been proven to be total bullshit. But dont challenge that Blinken narrative if you don’t want to be labelled nazi

Lol, like china needs people smugglers to get agents into the US.


And Biden’s welcome policy? I heard a lot about a huge influx that was going to happen because of Biden’s new policy. Then crickets for a while.

I thought it was funny as fuck listening to Republicans advertise as hard as they could the line that the border was going to be open. They wanted people to think that. They wanted people to show up at the border. As many as possible.

The policy has changed little as far as I can tell.

(Whoops, wrong thread)