
Any you ever used Earmaster? Looks like it could be pretty useful.

I’ve used pitch/interval trainers before, I figure it can only be a good thing, but having said THAT, according to Rick Beato it’s too late as an adult to achieve perfect pitch, we can only have relative pitch; though a worthy goal in itself.

A bold statement by Rick but he backed it up, and made a video about how he kinda stumbled into teaching his young son perfect pitch when Rick realised that his very young son Dylan was equating pitches from Rick’s keyboard to the music themes of movies he’d heard.

He also took up the challenge laid down by those who disputed his assertion, but they couldn’t refute.

And in fact I can add some circumstantial evidence to that assertion i.e the best by far musicians in my hometown had been musically trained in the Catholic School there from the very start of their school years, around age 5.

One result of that training was how fast these guys, friends of mine, could pick up tunes in detail and reproduce them at very high quality, virtually indistinguishable from the original. The only thing that was beyond them was virtuoso type stuff, Angus Young for example.

The public school that I went to had nothing like that and no one in that school including myself could sing or play well.

I could definitely use some good structured practice in better hearing sequences of intervals, chord tones, and rhythms and writing them down. I can of course trial and error my way through rock tunes a few notes or chords at a time for learning songs note-for-note and get them scratched down in tab roughly in time to the beat. I would like to eliminate a lot of the trial and error though, as well as be able to better read and write rhythm. The latter is mostly down to lack of practice with dotted notes and ties. And I have put in some time too doing interval ear training, but probably not enough of it or in a meaningful way to make it more practical to real-world music listening and transcribing. I think isolated interval training only takes you so far, and not so far as interpreting whole lines in one go. It’s one thing to easily hear a Major 3rd, and another to hear a complete line involving Major 3rds and play back that line without a lot of back and forth trial and error.