Getting hit by the edge of cyclone Alfred right about now.

The center is likely to make landfall south of Brisbane, which puts it in catchments of the Clarence, Tweed, Brunswick, Richmond and Wilsons rivers, which are the ones we care about here in northen NSW. Major flooding is possible.

The south eastern edge has reached us this evening.

And here I am with a staph infection in my leg, so I can’t even get up to the headland here to have a look at the swells crashing over the breakwalls.

Relatively rare for a cyclone to make it this far south before hitting the coast. Usually it’s degraded to a tropical depression by the time it gets down here.

Staph infection and Alfred. Sorry to hear my good man. I hope you and your family stay safe.

Chances are I won’t suffer any real negative effects from the cyclone, but many others are about to be in real trouble, probably more from the rain than the wind.

The staph certainly is annoying though.

Unfortunately this forum doesn’t support uploading video or I’d post a couple from the headland here.

The pictures really don’t do it justice, and it’s still hundreds of kilometers away from here.

Fortunately for where we are in town here, we aren’t on the flood plain, and we’re likely too far south of center to get hit by winds of more than 120kmph (65 knots,75 mph). Sustained wind speed likely below that, but gusts will likely get that high.

Good luck with the cyclone and infection. It’s been windy here lately, not 75 mph, but 50 mph in the night. The trees are still roaring all day today with winds in the 20’s mph.

Evacuations are already under way in Lismore. The Richmond and Wilsons river, similar to the Clarence river, has a catchment that begins in the ranges along the Queensland/NSW border, and cyclone is predicted to come inland right over that area.

Still more flooding to come, but it looks like the worst case scenario’s are largely off the table.

Won’t know certain for a few days, buit it looks like only moderate flooding for the Clarence river.