Happy Easter!


Funny how some posters mock the idea of reptilians but in the very same thread behave EXACTLY AS IF REPTILIANS EXIST! Go figure.

The reptilian brain and addiction to power go hand in hand. They are personalities ruled by emotions that are primitive, very aggressive, and have a lack of empathy, and the only thing that exists is the pleasure of domination and concern for self. In their minds self-control does not exist, much less concern for anyone else.

It was Paul D. MacLean who, in 1952, presented his theory of the evolution of the reptilian brain to explain emotional processes and their changes throughout our evolution as a species. According to the famous psychiatrist and neuroscientist, human beings of today have continued to maintain three basic structures: a reptilian brain, a limbic system, and a brain that is new and complex, responsible for higher functions, the neocortex.

drumphil, peter, better track down that source and cancel it somehow.

Moron forgot to take his meds.

Someone better call 911 before he starts slicing off his own balls.

Sounds primitive and very aggressive, how surprising.

Odd how Trump was the one supposedly kerb stomping Assange according to some lounge posters who most adamantlty insisted that was the case, yet the departure of Trump hasn’t improved Assange fortunes one iota, go figure.

From the old lounge [plus some current comment by me]

Peter 5992 Well, well. Look who’s here. Guess he overstayed his welcome at the Ecuadorian embassy.

News article posted by Peter -

“Today I announce that that the discourteous and aggressive behavior of Mr. Julian Assange, the hostile and threatening declarations of its allied organization, against Ecuador, and especially the transgression of international treaties, have led the situation to a point where the asylum of Mr. Assange is unsustainable and no longer viable,” Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno said.

Peter 5992

Rule no. 1 - don’t shit in your own front yard.

morgo: The following is one of viscofisy’s better quotes -

"Moreno is being investigated in Ecuador in an alleged corruption scandal - the “INA Papers”. He blames WikiLeaks for adding to the allegations.

Plus he’s supposedly being promised help and support by the US government in return for his cooperation on Assange.
But they’d never do that - interfere in another country and cover up alleged corruption - would they? "

Peter 5992

Whatever … like I said, you don’t crap in your own front yard.

If you behave like an asshole towards the only country in the world that’s willing to protect your sorry little ass, you better be a really, really good boy, and be on your best behavior.

‘Rude, ungrateful and meddling’: why Ecuador turned on Assange


Peter 5992

“… Assange is a little asshole who deserves everything he has coming to him now.”

Morgo: So Peter at first simply regurgitates the fake news and then defends the notion of quid pro quo corruption once the real reasons for Assange being forced to leave the embassy became clear.

Peter is all for Assange copping a 170 year jail sentence if the swamp can torture or otherwise fabricate a ‘damning’ statement out of Manning. In any case the ‘trial’ wouldn’t be an open one, the ‘jury’ would simply be swamp creatures behind closed doors delivering their politburo ‘verdict’.

Hope you had a good Easter Morgon. I had a good time catching up with friends and family.

Who’s? Your’s or mine?

Hope you got a chance to spend time with your family and friends.