Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the daddies here!

Hope you got spoiled real good, with plenty of new guitars / synths / power tools.

Thanks Peter, got a power washer but it’s raining so trying it out will have to wait.

Happy Father’s Day to the other dads out there. Took mine out for lunch yesterday. First public dining experience for both of us since the COVID lockdown. It was nice to get out.

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Happy Fathers Day. We’re doing a cookout here.

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Happy Daddy’s Day to all the sharp shooting mofos in da house! We got chinese food - kung pao chicken and Peking ribs for me… nom nom!

That’s nice. I’m not a dad (as far as I know), and my dad passed away back in 2006. He was a very kind and sweet soul, I still miss him. I wish I would say to him (and my late mom):

“Hey dad! Look at where I am now! Sunny California, where I always to be! Told ya I would be back!”

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Happy fathers day guys.

I suspect your Dad knows, and I’d bet the house he’s proud of you. My dad died many years ago. He was pretty much a dick, but I still cried when I heard the news.

Toughest job in the world I think. I had a falling out with my daughter a couple of years ago, haven’t spoken since, but she’s doing fine. I got her through college and nursing school, so I guess I did ok.

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Sorry to hear this. I didn’t speak with my father for over a decade but now I’m the only one of his kids who still talks to him. You just never know how things are going to go.

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Thanks Syd, sounds worse than it really is, but you’re right, you never know how things will turn out.