Homemade bread

My wife has been making sourdough bread for over a year now. She’s got very good at it.

I love sourdough bread.

When I lived in Houston, one of my favorite restaurants was a place called the Mason Jar. They had the best sourdough bread I ever ate.

Most times I ate so much of it I had little room left over for my meal. :grinning:

That’s an awesome looking crust Bob
What do you eat it with?

Allow me to offer a serving suggestion as the missus brought home such a loaf two days ago. This morning I made toast from it and heated some baked beans with paprika, organic oregano flakes and cheese thrown in, condiments added once that concoction hit the toast included black pepper, tabasco sauce and something called ‘Everything Bagel’ - an all natural seasoning which includes crispy garlic, onion, sesame, and sea salt.

Yeah, basically baked beans on toast on steroids•

  • A mere colloquialism, no actual steroids afaik
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Cheese and Olives and Pepperoni go good with Sourdough bread. Or just a thin smear of butter.