I am tragic.

Meh, doesn’t matter who wins the argument here anyway. It’s a self selecting process. The people who are right are more likely to survive, and the people who are wrong are more likely to die.

That’s how this plays out in the end, and who gets to vote next time round.

Take your HCQ and ivermectin, and see how you go compared to the vaccinated people around you.

How are those vax deaths going now? Been long enough yet for people to start dropping dead at a noticeable rate? How are things in your part of the world? How’s the body count looking?

Been through all this, the inconsistencies were trivial beyond a reasonable doubt

Then some fucker with shares in big pharma issued death threats to Raoult. Undoubtedly bc the perp knew the results couldn’t be plausibly challenged.

Msm at first at least only reported Bik as receiving death threats allegedly from “Raoult supporters”

So you don’t call 480 highly suspicoius deaths within a matter of months in Australia alone, a “noticeable rate”?

What’s the usual death rate within a matter of months for that population? Has there been a suspicious spike? Don’t recall many covid deaths in Tasmania, so it should be pretty obvious if a spike in the death rate is being caused by the vaccine.

As for Elisabeth Bik, can you point to any fraudulent studies she’s put her name on? I can point to some from Raoult.

This is the thing. There’s such narrow criteria that the vast majority aren’t being counted. When young people are dying of clotting and inflammation within months of getting a vaccine they are not counted. Over here the NHS has been hobbled so increases in other deaths due to vaccines will be hidden in the mess.

I’m talking about the whistleblowers pointing out cancer deaths in patients who were in remission for months/years where cancers suddenly turned aggressive.

Do you think it’s proper that the CDC doesn’t count a death within two days of the jab, as a vax death?

Is the death rate for people withing two days of a vaccination higher than the background rate for that to make any sense? From what I understand it takes longer than that for the immune system to get going properly, which is what causes most side effects.

Do you actually know anything about this? Beyond incredulous uninformed wonder?

It’s not like we have to rely on CDC data anyway. Australia is a great petri dish, with lots of vaccinations, and little covid. Anything you can point to from what’s happening here?

Millions of vaccinations, but only thousands of covid cases, so any spike in the death rate that you can point to? No worries, you’ve got it covered. If it doesn’t show up, it’s because of the cover up just showing you what they want you to believe.

Easy, you can be right no matter what the figures!

So you’re now ignoring your own posts about anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis leading to death within two days of an injection is, beyond a reasonable doubt, induced by that injection, in the vast majority of those cases.

And this is why you’ve tried to convince that there’s been way more actual jabs administered than there has been.

The 480 is a high number given the numbers that have actually taken the jab.

Which would be what exactly?

You tried to run that bullshit before. Ask a friend a vaccinated friend if their vaccination doesn’t show up in the register. You have no evidence of a fraud there, just the claim “what if they’re just making it all up”, which apparently applies to the Australian government, but not Rauolt.

You can always go for “yeah, but the government has lied before”. So has Raoult. So where does that leave you?

Vaccine doses are uploaded to the vaccine register at the end of every day. I’ve been there when they do it. I do IT work for local businesses, including local GP clinics.

In this case, specifically the Union St medical clinic in Maclean.

The best evidence you have for the numbers being wrong is that you are suspicious and you don’t believe it.

Anyone you know had that happen? Too early you say? Well, at some point you’re going to have to give that crutch up.

It’s funny how you think I’m the arrogant one. You’re confidence relative to the strength of the evidence you rely on far exceeds mine.

You don’t know, by your own admission you don’t have access to those figures. yet you tried to flog 19 million as the number.

The govt site doesn’t claim 19 million jabs, that’s Your conclusion from inconclusive wording.

From reports I’ve seen, and personal tallying of percentages it’s waaay less than that.

So do figure it’s proper for the CDC not to count a death within two days of the vax as a vax death, none of them?

I have access to the vaccine register figures. I don’t have access to figures from me having seen every vaccination with my own eyes by your bullshit fantasy land standard.

Yeah right, and “two weeks to flatten the curve” for realz.

Is the two weeks up yet?

Depends on how reasonable that is. Haven’t you talked about the lunacy of counting people who died from things obviously unrelated to covid in the covid figures? Of course you deliberately avoid the issues of figure gathered for a quick overview of what’s going on, versus the figures calculated later from death certificates.

You’re just an angry dude who will be as unreasonable as you like.

Guy takes jab, drops dead on the spot, mark it down as another coincidence.

And you figure you’re reasonable by supporting the blocking of Ivermectin as an effective outpatient treatment.

I guess that’s “reasonable” if prioritising profit over people.

What are you on about ‘proving numbers of vaxxed by getting some vaxxed or unvaxxed dude to check whether they’re on the register’? How’s that supposed to prove anything other than someone is vaxxed and on the register, someone else is unvaxxed and not on the register. So what?

And Raoult isn’t trying to lock me into a long series of forced jabs. Raoult isn’t making billions to arrive at a deliberately biased finding.

what is your point specifically? And in what context? With what facts?