JSFX Guide

Some jsfx tutorials

This one has an importable dsp library

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Last I looked at that Admiral Bumblebee tutorial it looked good. I had just slogged through figuring that stuff out and then someone pointed out that tutorial on the Reaper forum.

This new js plugin from Tukan Studios is kinda neat, ConsoleMeter

Link to import repository:

(or just hit Extensions-Reapack–Synchronize packages if already added previously)

You can have all your track VU meters available, without having the mixer open or tracks enlarged

Its a js plugin that houses VU meters for all your tracks, scalable
You insert it on your master
And a CMeter Send plugin on the tracks you want to meter

I made a screenset with the fx chain docked at the bottom,
7 tracks plus the master
pretty cool
CPU for 8 tracks is 0.5% on mine

Timestamp to video:

How to use Reapack to import js effects

Well I missed maybe the best one from Tukan Studios
JS: Tape Recorder (Tukan)

Runs at 0.04% cpu hit per track
Embeds in the mcp as a VU meter, so 2 for the price of 1

Sounds great default with a slight boost on output, adds bass/body and also some nice grit to guitars

I’m trying it on all tracks now as default, ditched the other VU meters
I compared it to all the decent competitors,
Slate VTM, Chow, Magnetite, Flywheel, Softube

I ended up with VTM on the master buss,
but Tukan was close enough in sound to warrant putting on every track
Uber-low cpu plus embedded VU meters