Looks like Neural is doing multiple parameters amp profiling, which is nice to hear about. I don’t know if they have released any profiles yet. Maybe @Bevo knows something about that?

They just released a major update to the QC and the editor, which I’m about to check out this weekend

You can use their plugins on the QC now
2 so far, the rest as they update them
They’re giving a free plugin away just for updating :smiley:

They only posted that Tina blog post recently
It’s for their modelled amps, not captures
I’m not sure if they included any this time
Their forum or fb page might have that info
Or their discord

Oh no, I somehow thought it was for profiling, even though the blog post says modeling multiple times. That’s a bummer on my end. I thought someone was actually getting into the multiple parameters profiling stuff.

I’m not sure that it is for modeling. From that page:

It says model in the quote, not capture, the QC term for a profile
Sounds like modelling

I thought initially it was for captures too, but it doesnt seem to be

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I probably sound like a barbarian here but, have you guys tried IKs Tonex?

I haven’t tried it, but it’s on a par with the Quad Cortex and NAM/Kemper
It has some advantages over them as the hardware and software use identical sounds,
the pedal is much cheaper though but quite limited compared to the QC
And there’s a budget pedal called “Tonex One” that is maybe half the Tonex pedal price, with more limitations
I may get one depending on what happens in NAM land in the next year

Like them though you probably have to search high and low for the cream of the crop
Here’s one site I use that started off doing Quad Cortex captures and then adopted Tonex as well, which seems to be way more popular

Yes on the software. It’s good seeing profilers in general, including Tonex. The Tonex software is pretty lacking in various ways, but it’s manageable after figuring out what is wrong with it. Soundwise, it’s on par with other profilers, and I like profilers much more than modelers. Piping Tonex into Amplitube for the cab IR’s has been my go to computer amp thing for a minute now. My amps through an attenuator with a line out into an interface and into speaker IR’s sounds better to me, but it’s not worth burning the tubes for hours when profilers are available.

I don’t need the pedal, but I will be interested in an affordable multi-fx unit that has amp profiling, speaker IR, and reverb IR, when that comes around.

Whoa! the Quad Cortex has a big $$$$ outlay.

Did you get this Bevo? Farrrk! Gonna tell your girl friend

LOL true but she encouraged me, she’s a muso too
No regrets, I love it

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I salute you sir!
And I am in love with your girlfriend

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@Gazza Neural Amp Modeler is free, and it is actually at top of the heap for sound quality, if splitting hairs (as told by people who make amp profiles and split hairs). Having a good time with a profiler is down to the particular amp profiles you use, not so much the profiler. And IK’s profiles included in Tonex are mostly junk, which is pretty universally accepted. I’m still only using Tonex out of cheapness. There was a particular third party amp profile that I like available for free in Tonex, and I just leave that one loaded. I got Tonex included in Studio Maxx on sale, and no way I would buy it on it’s own.