Personal experience with covid

Good stuff, glad to hear you’re on the mend!

I’m always one for riding out fevers without taking paracetamol btw, don’t know your take on that? I think the body is doing it’s thing and just because we can intervene doesn’t mean we should when we don’t understand the whole picture.

I’m all up for maintaining a fever, as long as it isn’t too high, which I tried to do last night and this morning. I kept my body hot enough to maintain some sweating by staying wrapped in blankets and eating and drinking hot liquids last night and this morning. I think it helped. And I got lucky in that my girlfriend already had it, so I had began loading up on vitamins and famotidine in case. After getting those long lasting arm pains from last time I didn’t want to take any chances. Oddly at the moment my arms are feeling much better too. Hopefully it maintains. In case anyone is interested, this is what I had been taking over the week:

Vitamin D - 100,000 IU loading dose on the first day, and 5000 to 10000 IU every day after
Zinc - 100mg every day
Magnesium - 400mg every day
Melatonin - 10mg, most days (forgot a couple of times)
Famotidine - 80mg three times per day, every day

Those are somewhat high doses, but short term it wouldn’t have been a problem. And I’m done with all that now. Some of this I got from here: COVID-19 Protocols - FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance I added Magnesium for inflammation, and Famotidine for inflammation from some studies.

After the fever broke this morning and I was starting to feel better, I took a 500mg acetaminophen for the lingering joint aches.

Feeling pretty dang good now. Something like 18-20 hours total time from symptoms onset to feeling good.

Nice, it was a couple of days for me n mine with the O.G. strain and I’ve had worse in my time. It must feel a lot worse when you think you’ve just got the mark of the beast and there’s a 10% chance of dying randomly while walking to the fridge like it showed on t’telly.

I felt like I had full-on flu last night and early this morning. But I definitely had a worse case of flu as a kid.

Some fever and aching ended up coming back since a couple of hours ago. Nuts.

Not the worst flu I’ve had,
but still quite a strong and unusual one for me
Unusual in that I had almost no waterworks

Unusual symptoms like chills lasting 3 days instead of 1
Aching legs/back/elbows and ribs for 4 or 5 days
It hurt my skin to scrub it in the shower! That was weird

I felt like a slow motion zombie for maybe 5 days

I also lost my appetite completely for 4 or 5 days
Like have half a baked potato and beef pattie for dinner, done!
Like my stomach had turned off
Never really had that before, not for days
I lost 5 kg without doing anything

I’ve had friends that just got a headache for a couple of days,
others that were laid up all week, vomiting etc
Home repairs this month meant I was underslept and couldn’t work out
It always seems to be undersleeping that gets me
Made up for it this week lol

Probably at 80% now, and back at work
Just a lingering mostly dry cough and maybe some water left in my head to go
At least I’ll have some immunity now

'Twas but a scratch! :smiley: Seriously though, glad to hear you’re doing well with it now.

@brainio : hang in there, it’ll probably ebb and flow for a couple of days.

Even a common head cold can make for a miserable week. But of course miserable in this case is a looong way from life threatening. I’ve been in a couple of quite agonising motocross bike prangs but knew it wasn’t gonna kill me.

You can always go outside and walk, run or ride a bike, even if all the gyms are closed. Usually people find excuses to not do something. Covid hasn’t stopped me from going out every single day. Keeps me healthy and happy (and can’t remember last time I was sick).

I agree with you, my point was that obesity is a greater risk factor both personally and for the healthcare system than unvaccinated people are. Undeniably so and the data was there about obesity and covid very early on, but there was no voluminous marketing drive to get obese people to lose weight. On the flip side there was endless vaccine marketing, both direct and indirect. Unlimited budget and airtime for that.

How much more effort was put in to demonise the unvaccinated vs getting obese people on the right path. 100,000%?

It’s all about consuming more product… nom nom nom.

Well, I can recall reading studies about the correlation which either the CDC or the WHO published showing that obese people are at a higher risk when getting Covid. I am assuming that everyone had access to the same studies. So if you are obese and you read this, maybe you would say “hm perhaps now more than ever is the time to lose a little weight”. I believe that people have an individual responsiblity.

The CDC recommended to get vaccinated, and the anti-vaxxers were fast to call it a conspiracy by big pharma and Bill Gates and the illuminati etc.

The CDC recommended to wear face masks, and people were quick to say “we don’t want our freedoms impaired!” and “we did our own research!”

I mean, there’s only so much you can do.

The recent report I made about the Dept store which has approx 500 employees and the store manager informing my wife that the ‘vaxxed’ were/are taking far longer to recover from covid, points up that the ‘vaxxed’ spread covid more than the unvaxxed as they are contagious for longer periods.

Same here. I had this symptom as a kid with a case of flu.

Also still experiencing aches and chills here. It’s nuts that I felt damn near normal the day after developing symptoms and then rolled right back into full-on symptoms. All the vitamins and famotidine might have been for nought after all.

Luckily I haven’t developed a cough yet. My girlfriend did, but it wasn’t too bad.

It seems that she likely caught it from someone at work this time around, where damn near everyone is vaccinated, and she was double vaccinated. First time around she had very mild symptoms for a couple of days, and I only got aches in my arms and some fatigue (no chills, fever, etc.). This time around she got full symptoms for going on a week before getting back to normal. My symptoms began on the day that her symptoms had mostly cleared up.

I was taking daily:

Vit D - 10000 iu
Zinc - 100mg
C - 2gm
Quercetin - 250mg-500mg
EGCG - 250mg

plus I took 12mg of Ivermectin daily for 5 days,
since a great bud helped me out there

Not sure if any of it did anything but wanted to cover my bases based on current recommendations

I was having daily 1L of carrot, beetroot, celery, kale, lemon and orange juice with added garlic and ginger as a superfood drink
That’s always worked before with the flu for me

I think the main thing for me was keeping warm and sleeping heaps
I can’t wear socks in bed even in mid winter,
but I wore big woolen explorer socks for the duration,
with my head under the blankets mostly

The first 3 days I really only got up to give my back a break and use the toilet
After the chills finally stopped, I started sleeping just one 11-12 hour stretch,
and then doing some light work around the house just to get the body used to moving again
Like I said, I was a slow motion zombie until about day 6 or so
I’d get tired walking up some stairs!
But I just kept doing it and got progressively better

Anyhoot, just my personal experience
I’m like 90% good now,
did my first weights workout back today and survived

Hopefully you have it easier than me bro
It was a weird one for me

Good thing that you’re mostly back to normal.

It hasn’t been the worst I have experienced, but it definitely has been a bad time. I have been sleeping more this week than ever, that I can remember. And staying warm. Last night was my first real solid food since getting symptoms on Saturday. No appetite. And I still wasn’t hungry last night, but I figured that I should eat anyway.

It’s quite puzzling bc I although I get the occasional overnight rhino virus that lasts a couple of days with mild cold-like symptoms, meaning my immune isn’t anything outstanding, maybe bc of having several beers in the evening, I didn’t cop covid very hard, a couple of fairly unpleasant days and that was it. Covid didn’t put me off my beer. That’s how the missus knows when I’m really feeling poorly, i.e when I’m off my beer, lol

I figure that if I hadn’t been heavily exposed to someone else who already had it I likely wouldn’t have got infected. But it’s probably a good thing to at least develop some immunity before fall and winter get here, where I expect that the cases will go up significantly.

Ha ha. I think I haven’t been that sick since I first began drinking (well before legal age). So I never had to skip having a beer because of a bug.

Rare for me also, this recent non covid bug there was one day without beer though, lots of coughing episodes that day, medicinal lozenges tend to put me off beer, so maybe it was that.