Snowden is now a Russian citizen

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Pretty much what Assange should have done
Beats where he is at now, limbo

Definitely. Too bad he wasn’t more versed in escaping the U.S. empire, for doing journalism.

No surprise.

Putin is happy to offer refuge to all the assholes of the planets. Nazis, Snowden, Steven Segall, billionaires that like to suck his dick.

You guys would be welcome too except you don’t have two pennies to rub together.

What planet are you from arsehole

Now now, let’s not try and insult people with silly words and crude assumptions. Especially during this cost of living crisis where real under/unemployment and homelessness in the West is increasing while areas in the global south are facing humanitarian catastrophes.

Right on. 546k votes.

It’s disappointing that the opposition is as high as 20%. It’s interesting being Twitter because there’s lots of data behind that poll about voters’ political persuasions etc.

I hope the majority of the 20% are Republican so that Biden can pardon them both to win over voters.