The drink

Big Brother hard root beer. No, man. Need an alcoholic mouthwash? This will do.

The go to watery domestic, Yuengling.

When I was a kid I lived up the street from the Yuengling brewery in Pottsville Pa. My family is from the Pottsville area and we lived there for a year when my Dad was in Viet Nam.

My mother moved back there after my parents divorced and I would always look forward to some Yuengling Lager when I went back to visit.

In Grand Junction CO the other day I tried a specialty brew at a new place - ginger and lavender. Not a success, but I say Nice try. But around the corner I had a pint of 300 Days IPA from Pikes Peak brewery, and it was rich.

I have a buddy in Utah. Last I talked to him he seemed to be in crisis for being there, thinking of leaving. But it seemed that the crisis was really the fear that he was settling in and not leaving.

I can and can’t understand. It is a confusing place. But hell, not as mixed up as Texas.
Utah is a pretty good state for alcohol. Some wonderful breweries going back decades, like Uinta and Squatters. More distilleries too, making local bourbon and gin. My little brother was a vintner, bottling and selling Native Wines for a few years. No grapes. He used native fruits and plants. Also made mead.

I brew beer in my garage and there are quite a few homebrew stores around.

Right now drinking Four Roses bourbon. Here is a weird trick I have gotten into. Here in my office I have an espresso machine. When I am done, I pour whisky into the coffee in the bottom of the mug and sip the combo.

The town I live in is Price, in Carbon County. Rather like a wild town in appalachia. The coal companies brought cheap labor from eastern europe and greece, then they built whorehouses for the ranchers and railroad workers, and along with that were whiskey bars. I bought an old jewelry store on Main Street, where the old dentist (100 years ago) who drilled teeth for the miners decided he could make more money selling them wedding rings instead. I wanna write a history of the building, which will include some history of the wild west town that it was. This is (for your reference) Butch Cassidy country.

I did coffee and whisky for a good while. A good strong cup and up to a couple of shots mixed in. I had to lay off the whiskey eventually, but the combo was good. I get in the mood for whiskey once in a while and the mood seems to last a month or two. Until next time.

It’s just corn

That’s what she said.

Actually, I’m on an involuntary lazy spell right now. It wouldn’t be a bad time for some of that corn.

or you could try pork belly
with a tequila side