Thinking about moving to Tennesee, anyone live there?

With my wife taking early retirement this month, we’ve been looking into where we want to spend our Golden Years on the mainland.

Right now, somewhere just outside of Nashville is looking like the top prospect. Anyone here ever live there or know anyone who does?

I have only ever passed through when going elsewhere. It seems like an interesting place to kick around, but I tend to like smaller cities and rural areas these days over bigger and busier cities.

From the middle of the Pacific to a landlocked state? That’s a big move… good to get away from the volcanoes but that ocean man…

We’re not planning on living in Nashville proper, one of the smaller towns nearby.

The ocean was great when I was younger, but now I’m too old and out of shape to do anything more than snorkel around in the shallows.

That ocean can kill ya quick.