This here forum

If you’re planning on invading Russia, I might stay at home for that one…

Completely understand b dub
You can’t invade Russia because you are social distancing.

Finally! Using Google chrome atm, Firefox didn’t work for some reason. Noon over here, silent town… will have a beer around 3 pm I think. Also entertaining the thought to go back to Facebook. I may have a story to tell… fiction. It could pass the time.

Hey that’s no good that Firefox is giving you grief.
I’m looking into it to see if this is a thing

Anybody else use Firefox here?

Using Firefox here (Linux) and running uBlock Origin which can definitely complicate things. No issues for me. Didn’t even have change any monkey junk in uBlock, which is not typical.

Good to know


There’s being a suggestion to change the name from ‘the Reaper lounge’ to something else so it doesn’t sound official

I’m cool with this.

Any suggestions for a domain name are welcome

cheers all

I love you Garrick :sparkling_heart:

This is awesome! Back to uncensored posting (within reason)

Why not call it The X-Reaper Lounge? That’s exactly what it is. I never expected after all these years for the REAPER team to delete it like that and without warning or explanation…that was weird. Kind of corporate in it’s operation which is nothing like the cockos ethos.

Anyway, we are back, baby! All hail Garrick :smiley:

  • No post preview? Expect some mistakes from me then lol

Oops, wrong thread…

Bevosss, I agree that it was a strange move.

I love you too man

Didn’t expect that either

Yes there is my good man.
Just look to the right, if you’re on desktop or laptop, the preview should be there

Damn awesome to have have you here fella :ferris_wheel:

Good news, the site has about 15 users and the server seems to handle everything.
Those big spikes were when I was rebuilding the app.

Do let me know if the site becomes really slow.

cheers big ears :japanese_ogre:

Good job on the forum Garrick (artistformerlyknownassnooks here)!

Re cloud servery things, if you haven’t heard of them you should check out Hetzner - they are ridiculously cheap but also German which cancels out any worry about the first thing.


Thanks for the tip I’ll check them out :ferris_wheel:

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Is this going to be a free-for all board?

Hey chip,
Welcome aboard!!
Not a free for all
This forum has moderators as well
But a clear mandate of less moderation is better moderation.
Or something like that :pensive:

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Shows how little other foruming I do, I thought this was that ‘discord’ place I keep hearing about :smirk:

Nice work Garrick for whatever magic you have weaved.

So the band is back together and getting along… But then someone mentions the ex! :boom: