Vote on new name

Whatever the domain gets called (I’m fine with,

Could we maybe have “A wretched hive of scum and villainy” as a sub-title to The Lounge?

Seems to fit… :grin:

Pick whatever name you want Garrick., for all I care. Well … maybe not.

Just keep it as it it. I mean, for fuck’s sake, there can be no confusion that this site has got nothing to do with the official Cockos Reaper lounge. For one thing, we can just fucking say whatever the fuck we fucking want, right? Hooyah.

If it costs any money to register a new domain name, hit me up, I’ll pay for it.

I agree with Peter. How about just adding a disclaimer that this place isn’t officially associated with Reaper? They didn’t want the lounge any way. The cunts need some Vegemite.

We could always change it later if they make us, right?

it’s kinda perfect the way it is

Hmmm, good points fellas and thanks for chipping in.

I’m feeling swayed by the keep it as is option. If it was added to the poll it would have won hands down.

But I love the ‘wretched hive of scum and villainy’ sub title, I will work that in somehow :slight_smile: :skull_and_crossbones:

Awesome Garrick :slight_smile:

I like the wretched hive of scum and villainy too.

Id suggest that mod to suck nuts, just a suggestion. No one is going to think this place is official or linked to cockco. Cockco has shown they dont like free thinkers. NUTS SUCK EM

How about the only word we censor is Cockos? Then theres zero chance… The name can be interpreted as:

the re aper lounge
there a per lounge
therea perlo unge

Again, see also Spyhunter vs Spy Hunter.

I love it when you’re angry.

Cheers Peter :grin:

LOL, I’m not angry. They should just mind their own business. Whatever you decide is fine with me Garrick. Thanks again for taking the time and effort to get all this going.

Tis my pleasure.

Thanks for being a part of it

And just to add… That was ‘The Lounge’ at the Cockco forums. That section wasnt related to Raper.

Hurrhurr, keep that stuff in the lounge, ok now its gone, hurrhurr if its stuff we agree with its cool, if we dont agree with it, you get a ban… no offense to peter, but he continued to post his large anti trump pics in General section.

Also that reminds me, some basic sections would be nice here so it isnt one giant flustercuck, but lets not name one of them General, we dont want anyone to think its officially linked to Cockco… they invented that too you know.