We go beach brah!!!

Suckin my gut in so hard I almost crapped my pants. :grinning:

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Lucky bastard! Have fun man! :smiley:

Managed to get some golf in last Tuesday.

No gut suckin in this one. :grinning:

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Sweet, just be careful with those wide open spaces and fresh air for the increased viral transmission! :slight_smile:

These photos don’t lie.

You mean in regards to my manly physique? :grinning:

No, I mean you’re really in Hawaii, look at that! :grin:

Good for you … are the beaches open? I thought the government had them all closed, with police patrolling and fining tourists who dare to go out. Maybe that was last week.

They opened the beaches last week, but new arrivals are still being placed in 14 day quarantine, that quarantine has been extended until the end of June. The people you saw getting busted, for the most part, were visitors violating quarantine.

Most retail stores and malls have reopened, hair salons and gyms are still closed, but will be opening soon. Restaurants will resume dining in on June 5th.

We’re still at 17 deaths here, no new deaths in quite a while. I think part of that is our isolation, but I think a big part has to do with the Asian culture not putting their parents/grandparents in nursing/retirement homes. Not uncommon to see 3 generations of a family living in the same home.

The numbers coming from the mainland of people dying in nursing homes are staggering. My biggest fear, with my families history of alzheimers and dementia is ending up in one of these shitty human warehouses laying around waiting for someone making minimum wage to come around and change my diaper.

Hopefully the cigarettes will get me first. :grinning:

Yeah, I hear you. My mom spent the last few years of her life in an elderly home (back in Holland) after several strokes … can’t remember what the official diagnosis was, but about half of the time she was in la la land. My dad wasn’t in great health and couldn’t take care of her. Sad to see your parents wither away, personally I’d rather be run over by a truck than spending my final years in a care home.

I went back to the mainland in 2006 for a couple of years to take care of my mother, she had early onset alzheimers and dementia. Such a sad sight to see.

A woman who spent her life as a stay at home Mom, raised 5 kids, then took a job as a secretary at an insurance company when the kids were groan. Ultimately ended up owning her own insurance agency, jazzercising and shoveling her snow and her neighbors snow into her 70’s, only to spend the last two years of her life waking around the house at 2 in the morning talking to the ceiling.

We finally had to put her in an alzheimer care facility, but fortunately she passed 9 months later. I still miss her, great woman, put up with a lot of shit from my Dad but was always there for us kids.

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It’s hard, isn’t it. And you never forget them. Here’s a picture of my mom and dad, in their prime, back in the 70s. That’s how I like to remember them, even though I was very young at the time.

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Nice family there Peter. While we all miss our mother, we’re happy that she passed quickly and isn’t suffering anymore.

Hey, this thread was about going beach brah!!!

We’re headed back to my friends house on the beach this weekend. We bought this huge 6 person float with built in coolers and chairs, took it up there yesterday. Going up Saturday to cook out, drink beer, do some ono pakalolo, and float around in the ocean.

Film at 11. :laughing:

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The Tahitian Island float was a blast: