What are you listening to now

Just curious bro,
why are you enclosing them in code?

I’m sure it seems unnecessarily annoying.

Any little thing not to feed the Google machine. When you copy and paste plain text of a youtube link you aren’t sending an http referer to Google from the forum. But when you click a link you are. So the way I see it, Google is creating associations of profiles to target us with ads, content, or whatever else (political ideas, etc.), as well as being signaled to crawl a particular forum discussion. If I can throw a little wrench in that, I’m glad to do it.

Maybe you noticed that some of us here have used alternative sites such as Odyssey, Rumble, etc., and alternative frontends to popular sites. I use that stuff sort of stuff on a daily basis. But some of the alternative frontends aren’t reliable, so dropping say an alternative link to a youtube video might not even play on your end. So if I must drop a non-altertnative-frontend link to youtube, I’m dropping plain text.

It’s not just about privacy. It’s about mega corps and other big money interests having control, as we have seen throughout the covid experience, where open discussions have largely been shut down and effectively playing a large role in brainwashing a good portion of the masses. Part of what I think is going on here is the use of AI bots to root out discussions for ‘dealing with’. And so the more data we feed them in any way, the stronger they get in maintaining control.

And what is the expense in the case of sharing youtube links as plain text instead of clickable links? Not seeing a pic of a video and copy/pasting instead of clicking. It seems like a tolerable tradeoff.

Also, I can’t count how many times I have seen a clickable link nixed by youtube. When I drop a plain text link I try to always make sure to leave the title and username. That gives someone something to search when a link is killed rather than a indecipherable video id in the url.

Kirk Fletcher live


The Kids Are Having None Of It
Frazey Ford


Cheap Trick are an obviously great band, and you can play their songs to anyone anywhere.

They excel at singalong choruses, and then add lots of sophisticated verse/bridge parts that pro musos love. They really do occupy a most important position in rock n roll imo. I do several of their covers and they’re up there on top with my other favourites.

Sidenote: Guitarist Rick Nielsen holds all the credits for this track, guy is a towering genius

I agree with you about Rick, great guitar player.

Here’s one of his best.

Johnny Winter at Montreux.

This Siberian group wins the outfit contest

What about this young poser?

I was learning Marc Ribot’s version of ‘"Aurora En Pekin’ and I came across this orchestral version

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Internationally the Divinyls were underrated ime

https ://youtu.be/wdk0vCzs3A4

I’m a sucker for a lot of 80’s punk influenced pop rock.


Check out the solo in that one. Not anything technical at all, but non-stereotypical.

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Anyone remember The Donna’s? Yea, I wasn’t big on their songs, but damn those chicks could straight up rock out. Once in a while when I think about selling off my lowly JCM 2000, I go and listen to this again. Check out that Marshall snarl. Gotta crank the master up to 6 or better to get there.

A for effort on this cover

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Think I stumbled onto the wrong side of tiktok here

[ TikTok - Make Your Day ]
