Windows 11

Yea, it probably was an automatic update. Microsoft knows best. :wink:

After it updated or whatever, did you uninstall the current driver before installing the right driver?

Good to know on Manjaro running well. Microsoft could learn a thing or three about how package managers deal with updates.

Hopefully the 17" isn’t too grainy/blurry for my eyes. There will definitely be a tradeoff in resolution, response time, and refresh rate over the 15.6" QHD variant.

I got this tonight. Fuckers installed updates and PC would not boot.

Probably nothing to worry about. Microsoft is likely just working out their cooperative NSA backdoors.

This might come in handy:

Turns out that Windows had Windowsed and disabled the driver while Windowsing, so the AMD driver package wasn’t seeing anything to install drivers for. Enabled the device and ran package again and it’s sorted (until the next Windowsarama).

Glad you got it sorted.

I’m reading (after the fact of ordering) quite a few comments of Tuf heat issues. How have temps been there so far?

That did the trick. Can I uninstall the update that caused the problem?
I have updates turned off normally but last night it installed an update without my permission or I must have accidentally turned updates back on.

It is allowed to run pretty hot on Silent mode in Windows with no fans on. I think they’ve learnt from Apple on that one.

No idea. I bailed on windows after 7.