Any Linux users here?

Arronax is a tool that makes making .desktop files (shortcuts) less of a pain in the ass. It’s not bad and better than doing it completely manual.

I’m leaving the dork side for a bit I think, I’m going to use WIndows more as well. There’s an Arch distro on the Windows Store now so I’ve installed that and it feels like home.

I’ve forgotten what makes WSL annoying, so I’ll probably rediscover that along the way! :smiley:

I find Windows 10 fine for at least the somewhat limited strain I put on it. I didn’t allow Bill to kill me with that vax, so the least I can do is make it up to him by using his software, for free :smile:

I remember Microsoft saying that they’d rather people used their software for free than use something else. Makes sense, if everybody who used Windows without paying used Linux instead then there’d be a much bigger army of Linux experts and devs out there, fixing, coding, helping, posting.

edit: Manjaro lurks for WSL: GitHub - sileshn/ManjaroWSL2: Manjaro for WSL2 using wsldl


In the real world, any product developed by armies of paid professionals is always going to be better overall, better being a relative term, than a product developed by part time volunteers.

Give Billy some of your shekels. He’s got a lot of hungry mouths to feed in Africa. :grinning:

Well I had a full system freeze yesterday on Windows, hard reset required. Never had that in Manjaro. I had a web browser and a couple of native app windows open, no WSL2, no audio/anything interacting with non-standard hardware.

Before that I’ve had an intermittent issue with incredibly long start up times where the SSD is super slow. Hopefully an update fixed that. Same SSD in Linux just flies along without complaint. Let’s not speak of incompatible file types and names in OneDrive.

Nothing’s perfect. Linux is a PITA at times too but I’m only moving back to using Windows (more) because it’s just a much easier life with audio software. If Native Instruments and Presonus made Linux versions of their software though I’d be a happy penguin instead of a grumpy paper clip/penguin hybrid. :smiley:

I think that’s always been kind of the Achilles heel of desktop Linux.

My Win 10 install has been pretty much rock solid. Never had a BSOD, or any unexpected crashes. But then again, I don’t have much running on it.

My World of Warships game craps out on me sometimes, but I think that’s more of graphics card problem.

Not saying this is the case with you. But my experience with Windows users who experience a lot of issues is that they are either running bootleg software (apps as well as OS) or they went in and tweaked a lot of the registry and other system settings. Plus, you’re always going to have the problem of Windows not playing nice with things it doesn’t like, especially drivers.

I does kind of suck having a limited choice of Operating Systems, but it is what it is.

Yeah, tweakers get problems more than most. I’m vanilla and legit all the way and there’s probably drivers at fault somewhere down the line with the freeze, the SSD thing and the MIDI interface. Then again there’s driver code interfacing with OS code and it’s up to the OS to sanitize incoming funkiness really.

This is on the laptop btw which is a relatively new model. There was a BIOS fix for it a couple of months back. There’s a happy medium of hardware age too where peak stability is achieved.

I installed windows for work a while back, got lazy with switching back and forth, and I just left it. Someone post the canoe pic.


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I always liked this one:


Very true too! :smiley: