Any Linux users here?

Ok maybe I need to get my head checked
Now I’m going all in Linux no wine
My personal soap opera continues

That’s the spirit, there’s lots of room in the canoe! :slight_smile:

I’m joining you on a different tangent, I’m getting an Ubuntu Touch (ubports) compatible phone delivered by Friday and I’m going to give it a serious bash (or zsh, fnarr fnarr).

Masochist. :smiley: Any particular reason?

The canoe immediately came to mind here too. Ha ha.

Let us know how the phone goes.

I’m considering just today installing Arch again, for no good reason other than having some free time lately. And I still haven’t tried Gnome since the big changes, so it would be a good time for that.

On another linux note, I saw a mention today that Debian is including proprietary firmware in their installer now. That will push off lots of free software people, maybe being a bigger deal than the systemd debacle some years back.

Yup, will give a mini review once I get used to it!

Good luck with Arch too, I think I’m sticking with Manjaro for the foreseeable, it’s seems to be in the Goldilocks zone between Ubuntu and Arch in terms of getting updates soon, but not too soon.

Manjaro is a fine distro. It seems to catch a lot of flack, some deserved, some not. For most people who just want to get on with using a computer, I haven’t seen a better distro overall. And I definitely do like the temperament of the Manjaro community over the Arch community. If I install Arch I might very well end up right back on Manjaro because of that.

Linux phone mission paused for a bit. Bought a phone that was supposed to have an unlockable bootloader but it doesn’t, grrr.

The compatible phone shuffle is a real pain in the ass.

Just a heads up, in case. I thought that the bootloader on my current phone was unlockable because OEM Unlock was greyed out, but after some further investigation and trial and error it turned out to be that I could unlock it.

The slider worked, but in Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status it said that the bootloader cannot be unlocked. I really can’t be bothered trying stuff out for hours with it when I’ve been given that warning.

I’ve just given it to one of the kids, at least somebody is happy! :smiley:

Frustrating thing about it all is that the freaking Google freaking Pixel is the most compatible phone with all of this stuff but it’s freaking Google! I feel that I would be moving closer to Google by going with their hardware considering I’m already off their proprietary software.

I’m thinking about the Pinephone Pro again, but ubports seems more mature at this stage.

You try ‘fastboot flashing unlock’ anyway?

Strange that the ‘OEM Unlock’ slider worked but the status shows that it is unlockable.

No, the read out saying that it wasn’t possible was enough for me to see hours potentially getting flushed down the plug hole. You now how these things go.

Yes, it is strange. Sony do say on their site that this happens with certain “versions”, although the model I bought was allegedly one that works according to ubports. Like I say, time hoover 100% avoided when there’s a 20% chance it would work and an 80% chance I get soul sucked into the late evening.

Yes I do, unfortunately. :smiley:

I got lucky with my last round. I sunk quite a few hours into it before boxing it back up and was about to return it. I then read about inserting a blank sim and turning data on. I didn’t have a blank sim handy so I tried my active sim, and it worked. Got the OEM unlock and then ‘fastboot flashing unlock’ worked.

Interesting, I didn’t have a SIM in it. Oh well, at least a little smurf has a new gadget! Speaking of smurfs, yours is any week now, isn’t it?

In case you try just to see, my steps were: Inserted sim, turned mobile data on, rebooted, ungreyed OEM unlock, switched it, put the phone into fastboot mode, connected to laptop via usb and ran ‘fastboot flashing unlock’

Due the 24th. Very soon, seeming like it might be early. Might have been the perfect time for the company I was working for to tank, in that way. I have some money saved, so we’ll be good until I find something else.

Holy moly, that could be any time soon then right enough. Fingers and toes crossed everything goes smoothly!

Yea, hopefully. Everything has looked good up to this point. And the spurt has been very active, especially lately.

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41 posts were split to a new topic: Linux to Mac

Moved the pumpkin spice latte talk to a new thread. Apologies for any confusion caused.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pumpkin spice latte (Linux to Mac)

Nah good call