Any Linux users here?

Gnome’s layout manager looks like a good step in the right direction. I figure I will let some of the kinks get worked out before switching.

The libraries situation has always seemed strange to me. Flatpak is dealing with that now, so hopefully that (or something similar) becomes the way forward.

Flatpak seems alright, it looks like it addresses not polluting the system libraries with random stuff by providing containers. I’d prefer if they introduced an independent shared library type thing that works like Windows, living in their own address space.

Apparently the Manjaro universe is laughing at me. I tried to update today and got an error message about breaking dependencies for pulseaudio. Damn pulseaudio. :grinning:

Actually, today has been a series of problems.

Payment to a shit company for a subscription fee for a service that I never authorized any payment. Tried it didn’t like it (free account), moved on. Then found out today that the fuckers have charged me for 4 years in a row. I always make sure that I am not signed up for any payment subscriptions. Doing a search I found that they have an F rating at the Better Business Bureau for shady practices.

Pulseaudio dependencies suddenly peventing Manjaro updating.

My Manjaro forum account no longer worked, despite having saved my username and password.

Same deal at this forum. Had to reset my password.

Youtube, my spacebar stopped working there.

What the fuck? :joy:

Ouch, sounds like your bank should be able to sort that one out if they won’t.

I’m sure I read about somebody else having an upgrade problem because of Pulseaudio, maybe it’s the same thing, can’t remember the name of the package that was the problem.

Funny thing, I posted here yesterday, went off to work, got up this morning and the youtube spacebar issue had disappeared. No system changes.

Strange, I’m having an issue where the shortcut for opening the terminal and showing the desktop aren’t working. They haven’t worked since installing Manjaro though.

Snookoda, that sounds like a Gnome issue. I had a similar problem with opening a terminal under Gnome long ago. I figured they would have that worked out by now. I’m running XFCE.

I got my update issue worked out. Had the password issue again on this forum. I don’t know what is going on with that. Could be user error, but it seems unlikely in this case.

The forum is getting sidegraded to a stable branch shortly, it’s been on a beta branch so maybe the hiccup is related to some beta wobbles?

Could be. Word is at the Manjaro forum that my password issue over there was forum wide. They lost the Discourse accounts info and backups, if I understood the issue correctly.

Oh jings, that’s a bit of a doozy! I hope it’s not a general discourse bug.

So KVM (with virtio drivers) makes for pretty zippy VMs. I had tried Virtual Box but it was a standard VM soupy GUI experience.

Snookoda, what are you running in KVM?

In the past I ran vmware on windows for linux virtual machines. It performed alot better than virtual box. It seems like I had ran virtual box on linux too with the same sluggishness.

I’m running Win10 in it, I might try and get true graphics and USB passthrough going at some point to see how it goes but maybe not, it’s fast enough as it is. I didn’t try vmware, maybe it’s more like KVM although I remember using OSX with it on Windows and it still felt more VM than non-VM.

My next Linux mission is to get Windows VST plugins running with LinVST, I tried with a Voxengo plugin but it didn’t work. Need to get proof of life before trying to get Kontakt and other NI stuff going.

Wine is workin surprisingly well, the last I used it a few years ago it wasn’t very good but now, aside from a font issue, it’s AOK (Wine TkG). I’ve always fancied the idea of having some kind of permanent install for music stuff that can be moved around because installing/registering everything is sooo tedious.

You’re running a full daw in wine? How is latency?

I’m just using VSTis with the built in audio and a MIDI keyboard and it’s fine for me, don’t know how it would be playing an axe through it. I’ll maybe connect a proper audio interface to it at some point and maybe test with ASIO/JACK at some point.

Oh happy day
bridging windows vsts is a lot less fiddly

Don’t think I’ve used that one, maybe it’s better than LinVST. I haven’t bothered getting that stuff set back up on the Manjaro install on the new laptop.

I haven’t bothered with any of that stuff in forever. When enough nice plugins migrate to a linux native format I’ll probably take another look. But I honestly don’t miss much about the whole daw experience. I would much rather see a decently priced hardware mixer / daw than deal with a computer for processing and recording though. A good hardware mixer interface with enough dsp to run per channel processsing and bus processing and decent recording and editing functions, much like an x32 but with stronger recording functions and editing.

Yeah it didn’t last long :dizzy_face: