Any Linux users here?

That doesn’t seem to work with Wayland as it does with X11. Annoying!

Yeah, I moved off Wayland after a bunch of stuff didn’t work on it.

Was it a simple switch, or were there issues? This was with Gnome?

Yes with Gnome, there’s an option on the login screen for what backend you want to use. Bottom right iirc. Seemless switching.

I saw it there. Good to know that it was seemless.

Copy/paste works fine with nvim, not with the version of vim that was installed by default even after switching to xorg. Fuckery. :smiley:

Neovim it is then.

Yeah, it’s the future of vimming and the skills are backwards compatible.

I don’t know if I ever knew it, but you can use vi directly on the command line for line navigation and editing.

set -o vi

…which is way better than trying to recall bash keys that rarely get used and forgotten.

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Irony. vi copy/paste works fine.

Ho-ly shee-it, I did not know that. Nice find!

Looking at command line file managers and ‘ranger’ or ‘lf’ might be good. I don’t like that ‘ranger’ is dependent on python this and that though. ‘lf’ is based on ‘ranger’, looking to be more extensive. For me, extensive usually means digging through the documentation of many features to find the handful of features that I will actually use.

Gnome is pissing me off today on my old thinkpad. I changed the video config from integrated-only to dedicated, and Gnome wouldn’t load. Oh, I may have forgotten a step when installing the nvidia driver. Changed the bios setting back to integrated so that Gnome would load and I can check my steps for the nvidia install (never installed it during last format). Gnome refused to take my correct password. Eventually I switched from Xorg to Wayland, and Gnome took my password that way but still refuses it when switching back to Xorg. What kind of crap bug is this? XFCE’s only major sin is ugliness.

It seems this is not limited to Gnome or GDM.

There and elsewhere, I have seen users of various desktop environments and distros reporting this issue, going back to a couple of years at least.

Sounds like it is an issue with PAM.

I got login for xorg back after reinstalling bumblebee. Figure that one out. :smiley:

And my Gnome config got automatically changed back to default after reinstalling bumblebee. Again. Figure that one out.

Those Macbook Air’s on sale are looking tempting. :smiley: Too bad they are so damn dinky. I might go try one out anyway just to see. An Air + an XR18 could make for a nicely portable practice/live/recording setup for not much more than I just paid for a laptop with a decent gpu just to tinker with graphics stuff (and maybe a little gaming) once in a while.

I think the pumpkin spice latte is still beckoning and at the end of the day you don’t need a beefy GPU to mess around with graphics stuff.

Weird glitches there with X11, I heard there was a compat layer for logging in with Wayland so that X11 apps can run. I bumped into a couple of things that needed X11 so either it isn’t perfect or it isn’t installed by default.

We don’t ‘need’ much of anything when it gets down to it. :smiley: I am thinking it over. Would I rather spend some precious future free time tinkering with graphics stuff AND dogging through linux issues, or tinkering with music while pinching my nose to down the pumpkin latte - gui aside, Mac OS is pretty ok, after opting not to use the iSpyware / ‘cloud’ stuff of course. It’s relatively pain free (relative to linux) , has good audio performance, has good availability to lots of open source software as well as some nice polished proprietary stuff.

Air pros: Good display, keyboard/touchpad, speakers, cpu power.
Air cons: Tiny display; lack of ports; lack of upgradability/repairability.

The Tuf should be here today, so I’ll give it a good look over before sweating it.

XWayland is probably what you’re thinking of.

It does seem like the easier option if using one OS is a requirement and you don’t want all the latest, greatest games. The lack of ports of a lot of software on Linux is a stumbling block compared to Win/Mac.

I came across this German laptop manufacturer after getting this one:

Nice touch is that you can get your own logo etched onto the metal lid (it’s all metal)! Never seen that option before!

I couldn’t go Mac because of the lack of flexibility, I’m upgrading this to 32GB and putting another SSD in it and at that point I literally couldn’t buy a Macbook Pro with the same capacity (32GB MBP M1 gfx shares the memory, whereas the 3060 has 6GB of its own RAM).

Went to pick up an nvme and had a good look at the Air. Nope. That thing is a rinky dink. :smiley:

I have looked over Tuxedo’s stuff a few times. It’s good seeing more linux laptop companies. If they had something that matched my ‘needs’ I would have bought from them.

This is good news.

Last I read though, Wayland is very difficult to build display servers on, so update progress might not be so soon.

That is good news with the amount of different resolutions and screen sizes people have.

Btw, here’s DistroTube accepting snap packages into his heart:

The system lib for everything model might work for a server that runs a couple of programs, in 1998 when memory was measured in MB. It’s not ideal for a desktop env where nobody cares if a few extra MB of shared libs are installed per program.