Bye Bye Fauci

If you have a righteous cause, then why do you need lies, like the top 10 high profile positions in the Biden cabinet being Jews?

Treasury mmm treasury, Yellen who happens to be someone meaningless, right?

Attorney general Garfinkel, fucking over political opponents via weaponised FBI, nothing to see here…

Chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Director of CIA, what was the question again?

Does any of that make the claim true? Are the top 10 high profile positions in Biden’s cabinet Jews?

Do you rate the deputy deputy deputy secretary of state ahead of the secretary of defense, health, education, transport, energy, agriculture, housing and commerce?

What about the Office of Science and Technology Policy? More high profile than the above list?

Lets see what you come up with this time to avoid actually talking directly about the claims you posted.

Lloyd Austin is Black and mandated the jabs for the US military, so who could possibly posit that some Zionist cabal is more omnipresent than Lloyd Austin, right? Wow, only the deluded could figure that Lloyd Austin acts on demand to some elitist ethnic cabal…

Generally you got all the positions which enable warmongering.

That’s not what your post claims.

Why did you post the claim that the top 10 high profile positions in Biden’s cabinet are Jews? It’s not true.

“ALL TEN of Biden’s high profile appointees are Jews. That’s right. Every. Single. One.”

That’s what it says. Important enough for you to post it here, but it not being true is something that you can’t talk about.

That’s because it’s true, any ancillary positions are just that. Only neocon supports the Ukraine fleecing of the West for example.

Tell us again how much you hate Assange, for the record, cunt.


I’m not the one posting false claims that all 10 of the high profile positions were given to Jews.

Jews occupy those positions. It’s a Zionist Occupied Government [ZOG] in the US.

Well done! You found the JEWSSSSSS!!! What you didn’t find was the top ten high profile cabinet positions. And that’s the point of the lie you’re pushing. That it isn’t just Jews in the cabinet, but that ALL THE TOP TEN HIGH PROFILE POSITIONS are taken by them.

Which is bullshit, but it enhances the vibe, and that’s more important than the actual truth to the people who create and promote such stories.

BS it’s a total ZOG and you know it. Now tell us how mr potato is deciding anything.

Oh, then please do explain how the Secretary of the Office of Science and Technology Policy is a higher profile position than the secretary of defense, health, education, transportation, agriculture, commerce housing and energy.

ZOG rhetoric i.e lies

If lying is a Jewish trait, then happy Happy Hanukkah to you!

All you have is bile, bluster and trolling. Just like your mate over at the Daily Stormer.

You don’t care that the story isn’t true, so long as it does it’s job.

So no refuting those top positions, aside from minister for gardening or fingerpainting , carry on persecuting us whilst playing the victim.


So the Secretary for the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the 4th in command at the department of state are higher profile positions than the Secretary of Defense?

Sure they are! In fantasy land.

But they’re not Jews! So no use to your story… So lower profile they have to be, or the lie is exposed!

I’m off to band practice. Have fun with your bile.

Some obscure dude in govt who’s not Jewish! What’s he/she in charge of again afa ‘vax’ policy or Ukraine?

Lol, I wonder why the 4th in command at the department of state is listed, but not the person one spot up the chain of command from her?

Highest profile positions? But only if you’re Jewish apparently.

Gotta look hard for the non Jewish, it’s known as tokenism and as you well know has no effect whatsoever on the ZOG policies.

You couldn’t be any more transparent if you tried.