I am tragic.

Yeah, it must be that, because you’re far above such manipulation, on the basis of principles that you actually hold.

You’ve already shown exactly how important the principle is to you. Crystal clear. You have some kind or advantage due to a power differential. So you use it.

But that’s OK, because you call me a troll. And you have the control.

Yeah, and I understand how much that must hurt you, given your objections to every time Morgon brings up Assange, or Israel, or whatever other grievance he turns to whenever whatever he’s banging on about turns out to be a load of bullshit, in a discussion about something else.

Yeah, you really care. This is just about justice. That’s all you care about. Really.

You have control, and you will use it because it brings you pleasure. Simple as that.

You know what you’re doing and why. Why bother bullshitting about it? Why do you care about maintaining a facade?

Doesn’t even matter what I say. You can, and have demonstrated that you will change my words for your own gratification. So there we go.

Yeah, as if it’s Bevo’s “control” that’s causing problems.

Let’s not focus on neocon/big pharm fascism oppression Look over here! Bevo’s tweaked me post title and now I can’t work, eat or travel!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned Israel even once, other than a statistical covid post e.g a graph

Yeah, Israel ain’t the problem, it’s just the Jews who live there innit Morgon! Eh?


Come on, let it all out. Why hold back? You’ve shown us who you are, so why dither and dally?

Hey Morgon, daily vaccinations are uploaded to the Australian Immunization Register.

So, tell me exactly how the Jews might be messing with those figures. Could the vaccines just be sitting in a warehouse, being hoarded by the Jews? So that they can release them all at once to depopulate the earth?

You’re equating Jews with neocons? That’s your take on it. Powerful neocons have a high representation of Jews as other fascist power structures have had high representation of Whites. You’re the Jewish guy here along with @Peter 5992 who bash Assange so I assume you don’t mind being included in that neocon group.


Yeah, lizard people, jews, whatever. It’s all just a metaphor when you want an excuse for your loony rantings.

Well, I’m going for a beer now, and I’ll never check this thread again!

Goodnight moron!

You’re making stuff up but where’s the limits on neocon depravity, bombing nation after nation, enforcing “vaccine” mandates in exchange for freedoms.

But we should weally weally twust them because they wuv us sooo much.

Lol, awwww, see, I’d never actually really abandon you like that.

I’m being honest right now, because that really matters to you. It’s all just fun and games and no double standards right?

Where did I ever bomb anyone or persecute a whistleblower, I support whistleblowers, Jewish ones too!

Yeah, but not the Chinese ones so much, cause that’s all just western propaganda, and look at the economic results! Nobody cares about Muslims anyway.

Oh wait, if they’re in Palestine, then that’s a different matter.

Don’t even mention Tibet. Did you know that they invaded and plundered China! Could happen again tomorrow if China wasn’t keeping them in check.

Show me where I’ve commented on Israel/Palestine or China/Muslim topic.

I haven’t the time to get in depth on everything so I’ve left that subject to others better informed.

But it’s not China bombing the fuck out of all those countries and it’s not China trying to force vaccines on me and threatening to ruin my life if I don’t comply.

What does it matter what I say anyway? Someone else can write what they want in place of what I said, and you’ve expressed no objection to that, so fuck it. Whatever.

One edited thread title isn’t equivalent to shutting down an entire sub forum ala old Reaper lounge, so it’s relative,

I don’t recall shutting down an entire sub forum. I also understand why they wouldn’t want this bullshit associated with reaper.

Others figure closing the old lounge was the bullshit.

Bullshit and that which grows out of bullshit are entirely different things.



I seem to remember the lounge being a vicious mosh pit full of sharp-tongued cavaliers waiting for stray right wingers to wander in. I was one of those attack dogs at times. But then when the right wingers became more and started being less mild-mannered, it was suddenly a problem.

Didn’t help that everybody ran away at that point, crying foul as if they weren’t smug witnesses to everything that had gone on before. But who cares, hypocrisy is the name of the game these days.

Btw @drumphil, the original post title is not in the spirit of the rules of the forum where right to edit click baity or low effort titles is reserved. Whoever did it, and I’m not saying that it wasn’t me, might have chosen a better alternative, but it is what it is and the sanctity of the content of posts is preserved.