I am tragic.

Hey bevo, are you going to restore that thread title to my own words instead of the ones you substituted? Maybe even join the chat Gazza invited you to?

Cat got your tongue?

You call me a shill and a troll, but I don’t change other peoples words. That’s a pretty basic principle, for someone who talks big about principles.

Another pretty basic principle is not shitting where you eat. Obviously, childish thread titles like “You’re all a bunch of morons”, “This place sucks balls”, “This place is tragic” or whatever are attempted insults, childish and contribute nothing positive. You can’t seriously be unable to put your big boy pants on over this.

I’m moving these posts to the correct thread to keep this on topic.

And yet Morgon talking about jews over and over again in any discussion about just about anything, like literally copying and pasting the same post over and over, or calling me a cunt is just fine!

Not so much as a word of objection from you.

Bevo won’t even join the discussion Gazza invited him to about him changing my words.

All you have to do is make bob and morgon mods, and then it will be purely moderators against me and peter.

Now, I don’t care if someone calls me a cunt, but quit pretending that you care so much about that if you only care when I say something as relatively innocuous as “this is tragic”.

Insults that are childish and contribute nothing positive. Yeah, like you’ve ever showed you care about that.

Doesn’t matter what I say anyway. You have the control, and I don’t. And both you and Bevo have shown you’ll use that for your own advantage, not impartially.

This forum has more mods than regular participants!

I can’t change anyone else’s words, and I wouldn’t if I could. Would you snooks?

I do think the way things have gone here is tragic. If morgon is entitled to call me a cunt, over and over again, then what’s so bad about me expressing that opinion?

You’ve all expressed your opinions about me, freely and repeatedly, but some how me saying that “this is tragic” is conduct that justifies mods being able to change my words, when I can’t do the same in response to much more direct attacks on me?

If that’s an attack and an insult, then what does that make a whole bunch of conduct here that I’ve never complained to a mod about, or never heard a word of objection to from a mod?

I’m not holding anyone else to a higher standard. I’ve not complained to the mods about anything before, but I draw the line and altering someone else’s words, when the person doing that is an active participant in the discussions.

I think you may have forgotten what the word moderator actually means. If you’ve got a dog in the race, and the power to judge the results, you aren’t a moderator.

Justify it any way you want, but a truly impartial moderator wouldn’t allow that, and wouldn’t use their mod power to do that. This is personal.

How many times have threads been dragged in many different directions, with posts about other things, and personal attacks, round and round, over and over, and yet it seems that I’m the only one who gets moderator attention… Gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with who the mods are?

Or maybe I can put it more concisely.

Have you ever used mod power to change some else’s words? Would you? If not, why?

If saying “this is tragic” is shitting where you eat, then what is putting the words “I am tragic” into someone else’s mouth?

You didn’t say that, you said “This place is tragic” and somebody edited the thread title to “I am tragic”.

The rest is highly selective filtering. You’ve insulted people, @morgo is called ‘moron’ all the time, we have other repeated meme-posting going on, etc etc etc.

So a ‘You all suck’ title has been changed to an ‘I suck’ title, in keeping with minimal forum rules but also obviously having a childish laugh over a childish jab. If it was anything less stupid I’d be all over reverting it to a [Edit: childish title] but Jeez Louise this ain’t that important.

In fact, if you really, really want me to edit it to that then I will unless anybody objects strongly.

So, can I have mod power to alter your words so long as I’m not worried by it? Not that I would.

Specific powers to alter “You all suck balls” topic titles?

Power alter what I feel is unreasonable. Seriously, you’re offended enough by my thread title to defend a mod altering it?

No, I enforce rules past, present and future with the cold heart of the borg. There is no emotion, just order.

edit: see there you go adding things on after I’ve replied again. Could you put a signal in your posts to say when you’ve stopped editing?

Will this help:

Lol, missed the copy.

Would you alter other people’s words using your mod powers? If not, why? No issue of principle for you there?

Have I ever complained to a mod, or changed someone else’s words? I’m a big boy. I’ve had a go at some people, and other people have had a go at me. No issue there. That’s got nothing to do with my complaint. But you make mention of me doing such things, as if that was just me, or as if my complaint had something to do with that.

The answer is no unless it’s specifically a stupid thread title.

So that’s a yes. I wouldn’t. I’m a mod in a couple of forums. I’ve had to ban people, but not many, and If I’m going to take mod action, I will explain exactly what I’m doing and why, and it will be on the basis of what someone has actually done, with no modification of their words.

If I let anything about what I do become personal, then I’m no longer fit to moderate. I’ve had to ban people I mostly agree with because their conduct was unacceptable.

If I or one of the other mods altered some else’s words, I’d expect the other mods to draw a line in the sand and remove mod privileges.

attempted insults, childish and contribute nothing positive

By that standard, neither does changing my words to “I am tragic”. You’re free to say that if you want. You’re entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine.

I don’t even care about getting this specific example changed. I just want an agreement that whatever we say, and argue about, and agree or disagree about, that it will be our own words, and that it won’t be one ideologically aligned group that gets the power to change other people’s words, and judge if it’s OK to do that.

Unfortunately in order to moderate a thread title the words do have to be changed to something. I’m beginning to sense that you perhaps do not have a problem with the rules being followed and the words being changed, but more specifically what they were changed to?

This isn’t a technical forum or anything so I can understand the change, allowed under current forum rules as it is, being perceived as perhaps a tad out of the ordinary. However there isn’t one forum law to rule them all and diversity is always a good thing.

I’d tentatively suggest that we should not dictate precisely how anybody should enforce past, present or future rules; furthermore I feel that everybody should feel empowered to use their intuition. We should appreciate the rich tapestry of human life and behaviour and pause for thought at whether we are potentially oppressing healthy, although perhaps perceived as neuroatypical from a personal projection, expression by applying our fixed mindsets to such fluid situations.

I can 100% agree with you though that editing the body of posts to change meaning is completely unacceptable.

No, not at all. You can call me a cunt all day and I won’t care, unless you’re someone I respect enough to care about why you might have decided that I’m a cunt. It’s just the principle of not abusing power that you have over others, that they don’t have over you. Especially in a forum like this, with a group of mostly ideologically aligned mods. I that sort of situation I’m especially careful to leave my mod power out of it, no matter how much I disagree with or dislike someone I’m involved in a discussion with. I expect the same from the other mods I work with too.

That I think is when the principle matter the most. It’s easy when you’re dealing with people you agree with or get along with, but the real test is how you do when it’s people you disagree with or dislike.

I think it’s important to not just be impartial in big matters, but to be seen to be impartial, even in the little things, especially whenever you have some power over others that they don’t have over you.

Heck, even if it’s just little trivial shit. I might not even care about the actual details of the poking with a stick, but if someone does that for the purpose of getting under someone else’s skin, just the fact that they would do that, knowing that the other person can’t reciprocate, bothers me. I’ve seen that too many time with even a small power imbalance in the workplace.

Look, you’re making an enormous deal out of what is clearly a bit of banter, a blindingly obvious joke edit of a title which the rules explicitly say is allowed in this instance. You can’t take this and apply it to life, the universe and everything as if non-morons can’t see it instantly for what it is. Completely different from sneaky editing of posts or whatever, which you are implying this is.

Mod edit: post moved from another thread but time not preseved. Should be below post #42

Lol, so you’ll move that, but not morgon’s post that led to the responses you objected to in this thread?

You’ll let Morgon post about Jews whenever he feels like it, over and over, copying and pasting the same post, and not so much as a whimper from you. And you’ll use your mod powers to change what other people say, and then ignore an invitation from Gazza to discuss it.

You don’t care about the principle. You just care if it’s me!

Bullshit, I’ve posted about neocons, a large percentage of whom are Jewish. If most neocons are Jewish that doesn’t equate to most Jews are neocons.

You’ve got a posting history that’s pathologically anti White, anti whistleblower, I point out that the neocons you shill for are a major part of the problems/tyranny happening now, but unsurprisingly you want to silence any such discussion.

Lol, you spam the same long post about jews over and over in the same thread, and across multiple threads. Nothing not a whimper from the mods, but if I post a couple of long articles, queue whinging about block walls of text.

You don’t show any care for not doing the things you criticize me for. This isn’t a matter of principle for you. This is personal.

anti White

What would you say are the most egregious examples of my anti-white ideology Pauline?

Show me the post you’re alleging.

And so you continue with your pro neocon, anti white, anti whistleblower, anti Ivermectin rhetoric.

One of your classic anti white attacks was on the Reaper Lounge forum where you claimed your grandparents with guns hunted Aboriginals. As if this was typical of Whites in Australia at that time.

You of course never mentioned your German Jewish ancestry.

You don’t remember your own spam?

That’s from one thread, titled “Who’s taking the vaccine? And if so which one do you prefer?”


There are more, but it’s harder to search for the ones with the images rather than the text.