Riccardo Bosi

All three of Biden’s kids are married to Jews as well, what are the odds!?

So were Trumps. The last election was a zionist free-for-all, the house always wins.

CNN and others are starting to ramp up the Biden-is-too-old campaign,
so it must be almost time for Kabala to shine.

Yeah, wow.


Any new information incoming about the jewishness of becerra or buckley?

What’s weak about that? Targetted or otherwise arranged marriages have been a feature of civilisation since its inception, used for example by nobility to consolidate power or ordinary women to get a better life, perhaps pushed or facilitated a little or a lot by her family. Obviously works best with reciprocal advantages.

Yeah, righto. Or something.

JEWS is the important part however.

Don’t forget it! This is important!

and I quote:


Just in case you forgot what Morgon has been posting:

They’re not even all Jews! Never mind all the other bullshit.



Well it does say Jewish, so maybe the people you have latched on to simply have a preference for bagels for breakfast and have pushy mothers?

Yeah, wow, I can completely see where I got it all wrong!

An easy mistake to make, I’m glad we’re all on the same page now.


You’re adorable.

Yes, yes I am.

Yeah, you’re actually pretty easy to get on with when you aren’t trying to make excuses for such blatant racism.


I can read. That’s what it says.

That image is what morgon has posted over and over again.

Meh, fuck it, I’m out. Gotta teach some drums tomorrow.

Where’s the aunty-semite tag when you want to distract people from which vastly over-repped group is running the central bank and big pharma cartels, and their propaganda arms Hollyweird/MSM/SocialMeds

Not to mention the whistleblower wife who stated Jewish mobsters out of New Jersey were running the marine-controlled world-wide weapons and drugs black market operations, she must be a raving j-hater too, I mean she said the US State Dept had pictures of Israel all over it’s walls, that’s our greatest ally she blasphemed

Don’t forget to tell the students how bad ‘horse paste’ is and that refraining from a lifetime of big pharma jabs tracked by a vax passport which links to the central bank digital currency is anti semitic.

Right, so therefore

I get it, Assange bad, but these guys good

Goyim Defense League.

I’m sure you’ll fit right in.

They’re the mob pushing the “ever single aspect of covid is jewish” meme too.

Not at all anti semetic. It’s just that the Jews are responsible for everything. Even covid.

You should get their “Honk if you know the Holocaust is fake” banner made into a bumper sticker.