Riccardo Bosi

It’s just no fun when whitey isn’t getting blamed for everything eh?

Fact is IF those big pharm guys and Biden’s top ten, CDC exec were white goys I’d feel more free to criticise more harshly and more often which I would do and so would you.

And whatever you do, don’t mention the 30 to 50 million WW2 dead who weren’t of your tribe.

My tribe?

Exactly what do you imagine that I identify as?

Lol, your raincoat is open for all the world to see.

You unsurprisingly didn’t comment on the reference to a few Scottish people being in the government being freely referred to as the “Scottish Mafia” in the UK mainstream media. Do you think that Biden’s cabinet should be called the “Jewish Mafia” for equality purposes or do you think that one is allowed and the other isn’t?

So now I’m supposed to care about what the mainstream media calls someone?

Honk if you know the Holocaust is fake!


What? No honking Snooks?

Honk if you wonder why only one group in that genocide is remembered
Or why only that genocide is remembered

Might have something to do with the ‘victims’ running the means of propaganda

Right, so honk because the holocaust is fake!

That’s what they said.

Can you think of any particular aspects about that that mean we remember it more keenly than other terrible events?

Link to source of the picture of the wannabe fucktard Nazi’s.

Just remember!

“Every single aspect of covid is Jewish”

True story. I know because morgon posted it.

Multiple times.

Best bit is that not all the people listed are Jewish anyway.


You seem to be very concerned about what random people on the internet are saying, but apparently don’t care what’s so normalised that it appears in the broadsheets. The comments sections and blogs are another level, but it’s just the allowed and promoted issues that you concern yourself with, as always.

Yeah, I can see now how every single aspect of covid is Jewish.

My bad. It’s all clear to me now.

You should be a bit more concerned about the camps being set up in Australia at the moment than camps from 1945. Of course in this situation you are a Nazi party member so have nothing to fear.

So… Every single aspect of covid is Jewish!

If only you posed that before, I’d have seen it sooner!

The evidence beyond any reasonable doubt is that the mRNA “vaccine” push onto the general public is a disaster.

Anyone pushing for mandates has to own it.

Who should get a pass?

@drumphil typically uses false equivalences. The cabal is who is actually doing stuff but Phil is only concerned about those who name which exact mob it is. Anyway I didn’t obtain that graphic from it’s source site, never been there so I have no comment on the site itself or what else is posted there.

The point is that a cabal comprised of an ethnic group is pushing a vax mandate that affects me personally and I’m not at all convinced that they care if I die from an unnecessary forced jab. What has the topic of the holocaust [or raincoats] to do with it, maybe @drumphil will attempt an explanation.

OK, thanks morgon, now I really understand how every aspect of covid is Jewish!

That finally settles it.

I even understand how the people on that list who aren’t Jews are covid Jews.

Settles that you deal in double standards.

I’m not the one posting over and over again a claim that every aspect of covid is Jewish.

It’s not just in this thread.

That’s not true any more.

I’m not making the claim.

How many ‘players’ [i.e the major decision makers] as a percentage covering the CDC, FDA, big Pharm companies and Bidens top ten, are not?

Do you recall Walensky expanding the vax program, overruling the consensus of the CDC staff?