Skype guitar session thread

I can’t commit Fred but might be able to pop in :slight_smile:

Cool. So then I’ll send you a link Sun. 8-ish LA time. Soooo early afternoon for you? :+1:

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That’s weird, works on my iPad and computer. There’s about 5 seconds or so of silence in the beginning, but if it’s not working for you that’s cool. At least I’m getting some value for the money I’m spending on that Word Press website.

My wife and I had great plans for that site, her travels and crafts, my music. But we lost interest pretty quickly. :grin:

Yah I dunno, player shows a clip length of 0 and does nothing when clicked. It’s like you linked to a local file, but there is a valid link in there somewhere since I could dl the clip.

Strange. No problem though, my Drop Box account works for sharing files, etc. just can’t link to them from here.

Are you going to post the link for tomorrow here?

Nah, I’m going to send PMs. My understanding is it’s not a great idea to post open Skype links. Oh those krazy kidz.

Ok, I say free Assange, but don’t bother getting into “that shit”

Well that was pretty fun, give or take a few technical difficulties. Nice to meetcha T. !

Looks like we might try again next week. If you have any interest post or PM.

So it seems like you could hear me OK, T, any constructive criticism on the sound? Mix was OK?

Yes Fred, I was able to hear and see you fine. Your guitar tone was great, kept closing my eyes and thinking I was listening to Jimi.

I’m going to work on my technical glitches, I just started Skyping a few weeks ago so I’m pretty new to the whole thing.

Looking forward to others joining in so I can put faces to the people I’ve been chatting with and learn a few more tricks of the trade regarding guitars and music.

Well, not much traction here it seems, I dunno, maybe ppl have other things on their mind. :smiley:

Think I’ll post over in Reaperland, also maybe txt a few friends. How are the technical difficulties coming?

Actually no Fred, haven’t had a chance to to work on that.

Not going to be able to make it tonight, it’s my anniversary.

Don’t give up on this though, I think it’s a good idea.

OK then. Happy anniversary!

I agree, it’s a great idea and I will make it to one of them.

@Gazza Thanks mate! If time is an issue let me know, I’m pretty flexible.

How’d it go last night Fred?

Oh this is a fun idea, let me know when you’re doing this next time. Anytime after Wednesday 11/11 works for me.

@Toleolu Well there didn’t seem to be any interest, so I didn’t bother. No response in Reaperland but I kinda intentionally posted in a backwater. We’ll see maybe next week, ppl tend to be shy.

@peter5992 Cool, yah maybe I’ll try again this weekend. So you’ve got classical chops, you can show me some Abasi-type licks :smiley:

What the fuck people???

This is a perfect example of how all this communications technology can help bring people closer together.

We all share a common bond in music. Why can’t we use that as a foundation for getting to know one another better? Is it shyness as Fred suggested, or is it fear?

FWIW, you’ve got nothing to fear from me. I’m just an old, fat, bald, stoner who’s no threat to anyone.

:laughing: :grinning: Easy big fella.

Potato potahto? These kinda things are very very difficult for most people. Texted a friend of mine, I’ve known him for over 10 years, we’ve talked many times about guitar, gear, songwriting etc. I’ve played his guitars. I’ve never heard him play. Maybe I never will. All one can do is offer the opportunity.

Hope that didn’t come off bitchy or preachy, sorry if it did.

Context is a bitch around here. :smiley: