Skype guitar session thread

Sorry mates, looong week at work, haven’t had much time to think about this.

Anyone in for Sun. 11-15 8P LA time? Which I’m flexible about, just throwing something out there to maybe get the ball rolling. Let me know. Or not! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, partying at the beach, won’t be back home in time.

Next time for sure.

Sure, why not. Don’t expect any classical guitar tips from me, haven’t played the instrument in months.

Cool. So I’ll send ya a link in 30 min ish. I expect nothing! :stuck_out_tongue:

Link sent.

Well thanks for dropping by Peter, good luck with the cinematic stuff! That was some very interesting insight into the finer points of harp notation etc. Don’t forget your guitar! She wuvs woo. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey Fred;

When I posted on the Reaper forum about using Reaper with Skype, the consensus was that it wouldn’t work, which it doesn’t.

However, one suggestion was to use Jam Kazam because it supports ASIO and therefore Reaper would work, and I could use my electrics instead of just my acoustic.

I’ve got an old Jam Kazam account that I can set up a test with if you’d be interested in trying that. You’ll have to create an account but there’s not cost to do that.

Let me know if you want to give that a shot, and I’ll run out and get a web cam for my PC and we’ll give it a shot.

Sorry I missed Peter yesterday, I’ve always been impressed with what he does with his compositions and scoring.

@Toleolu Sure. I’ve heard good things about JK, probably from the same person at reaperland you’ve been talking to, I’d like to give it a try.

I’m a little concerned that people aren’t going to want to install software to participate in this but then people don’t much want to participate anyway it seems so wtf.

So JK is something that you are familiar with and works well for you? How was the install?

I’ve only used it in the past to download some of their multi track backing tracks.

Just installed the app, pretty clean, nothing major, I did get a prompt to allow Jam Kazam through the Windows firewall.

Pretty lightweight it only takes about 7% cpu (on my i5). It’s not very good at automatically detecting your interface so you’ll probably need to go into the audio settings and manually choose your device. Pretty easy and they have a pretty good tutorial for doing that.

Only problem I found is on my rig, I can’t have Reaper open when I use it because I get a lot scratchy noise when playing. Works fine with no Reaper, but if you need Reaper running when you play, that might be a problem.

Didn’t get a web cam yet, waiting to see if this is going to work for others before spending any money on it.

Also, interactive jamming will probably not work for me due to my location.

Let me know what you think.

LOL, that was fun, should do it again. And I should practice more, darnit. :slight_smile:

Oh. Well that’s too bad, that’s exactly what you needed it to do, isn’t it? I’ll probably install JK anyway out of curiosity but so then it isn’t going to work for you?

Another solution which occurs to me is I believe you can buy an audio input for an ipad, then you could maybe do like I’m doing, run Reaper and Skype on different devices. That might be fun for you, there’s various guitar apps for Ipad.

@peter5992 Cheers Peter! Next time I can play ya the one thing I have with (sampled) strings on it, you can tell me the many ways I screwed it up. :laughing:

Ha! I’m sure it’s just fine. Instead of practicing my guitars I’m more up to this kind of mischief these days.

No, I don’t need Reaper running, Jam Kazam just takes it direct from the interface.

But let’s stay with Skype instead of confusing things.

I should be able to connect a cable from the headphone jack on my monitor speakers and the mic jack on my SoundBlaster audio card.