The Democrats using the FBI to go after Trump

You mean like the classified documents that Hillary had on her home server? But they let that slide. Didn’t they?

This is very obviously a politicized issue of the Democrats having a hard-on for Trump.

And you know that’s true because the same people that pushed Russian collusion for so many years say so?

I like you Peter, always have, but I wish you would troll less and contribute more.

It’s in the search warrant.

If they release the FBI affidavit we’ll know all the details.

Peter, I edited your post to leave only the file url in the posted link. A screenshot of the original post:

And tomorrow, when this judge rules against releasing the affidavit, will you still think Trump stole stuff and this is all a legit, non political, pursuit of justice?

We don’t know what the judge is going to do.

But yes, I think the search is legit. To obtain a warrant for a search you need a judge to sign off on it, and you have to show reasonable cause.

I don’t know what’s in those papers. But the FBI is not on the payroll of the Democratic Party, or the Republican Party. They are on the payroll of the US Government. They work for the American people. They just do their job.

Apparently you missed the whole fiasco of the 2016 election.

Bc the election tampering by the Dems using foreign nationals was reason enough for you to support going after Trump via the Mueller investigation.

Is it that same Jish guy who ok’d the warrant?
There’s no end to these Jish judges who can be pulled from anywhere, is there Peter? Such as Baraitser, an obscure South African judge somehow suddenly elevated to a position from which to condemn Assange, please restate your support for Baraitser persecuting Assange, for the record.

What do you mean by Jish?


Jokers in the pack, who just happen to be, you know…

So you totally support the Baraitser rulings, right Peter?

You are entitled to your opinion.

Facts aren’t opinions.

Apparently 10 out of the 12 republicans who voted to impeach Trump are gone now,

Liz Cheney being the latest to get primaried (badly)

So it looks like the judge is going to punt, rules that the affidavit should be released, but letting it up to the DOJ to submit redactions.

Gotta love that transparency.

“Probable cause” should read “FBI whores”

Not that I’ve any much faith in Trump, his accusers are full of shit though, apart from those accusing him of vax shilling. It all smacks of a ‘good cop bad cop’ charade.

The same way you declassify a red herring?