The Democrats using the FBI to go after Trump

It’s a Punch and Judy show to distract the masses and keep potential rebels occupied with. Trump’s probably been promised an invite to the upcoming COP26-announced $4 quadrillion pool party the elite have organised themselves in the wake of the ongoing destruction.

I can’t say for sure what is going on with Trump anymore than anyone else, but the Trump’ism since the 2016 election sure killed the momentum that had built up of addressing real issues, where wealth inequality was the biggest issue. The biggest positive change that we saw in the U.S. after 2016 was a raise in minimum wage that was quickly made ineffective by inflation due to the covid response. And of course corporate profits are way up, i.e., labor taking a major pay cut across the board and especially being felt by the lowest paid labor.

The FBI would never do anything underhanded.

What a circus.

Now you have Democrats praising the FBI and Republicans wanting to defund the FBI. Just the opposite of where they were when it came to Comey’s announcement on Hillarys email.

Closer to home, you have Peter, an attorney, selectively applying “innocent until proven guilty”.

Not applicable to Trump, but the cornerstone of our Justice system when it comes to Hunter Biden.

And further from home, celebrating the assassination of a complete stranger because the likes of CNN says so.

Yes, but in that case, Peter was just trolling. That’s what you do when you can’t defend your beliefs or the merits of your arguments.

I wish Peter would contribute more, but when he chooses to post things only to get a reaction, the best thing to do is just ignore it.

Here’s the (heavily redacted) affidavit:

It’s fair to say that the FBI are going after him, that’s a long surveillance operation. The Clinton emails could have fairly easily been retreived with data recovery techniques for far less cost, but it seems that the motivation to prosecute is the key here, not whether a breach of security occured.

I’m over chosen enemies being made out to be uniquely bad, just about everybody’s got dirt on them at that level.

When they redact so much of something like this, I have to ask why even release it. I understand the need to keep some things private, but in this case, something like 60% of it was redacted. They don’t go into detail as to exactly what the subject of the classified material was. And as we have all seen, they can classify a ham sandwich as top secret if they so choose.

It still begs the question, why is the establishment so afraid of him?

And please don’t say it’s because they’re looking out for us common folk. If you could convert governments concern for We The People into light, I doubt even the Webb telescope could detect it.

Well, the materials are classified. That means secret stuff that the general public should not know about. This has nothing to do with “the establishment” (what on earth is that anyway) being afraid of him, no matter how many times Fox News says this. He shouldn’t have taken classified materials out the White House. The real question is “why did he take those materials with him?” when he fully well knew he shouldn’t. Well, he’s an out of control idiot, and idiots have a tendency to do idiotic things.

Nobody is above the law. If you or I run a red light we get ticketed. No different for Trump.


That would truly be news in this world.

If, in fact, that’s what he did, then nail his ass to the wall. But, if it turns out to be just more politics as usual, then those responsible should have their asses nailed to the wall as well. But we all know that will never happen.

All this talk about him being a threat to our Democracy. What could be a greater threat to our democracy than government deciding who we can, or can’t, vote for? But then again, that’s already been going on for some time now.

And c’mon Peter, you know exactly what the establishment is. It’s those entrenched, career politicians and bureaucrats protecting their own self interests and furthering the agendas of the special interest groups who put them there. And I’m including Republicans in that.

For over six years now they have crawled up his ass, and the asses of those around him, with microscopes and what have they come up with? Some underlings cheating on their taxes and other things that if anyone subject to the same level of scrutiny would have to answer for. I’m sure if they applied that level of scrutiny to any politician, Democrat or Republican, they would find more of the same.

Funny, that’s not what people thought until he got elected. Just do a little research in what all those who think he’s an “out of control idiot” now, were saying about him in the past.

It’s a classic fear response, and again I ask, what are they so afraid of?

And there it is, the issue isn’t any of this fake concern over ‘classified’ stuff which was Trump’s prerogative as President to declassify anyway, which is what he did, would it help if he’d put a nice bow labelled ‘declassified’ on those documents?

Nope, it’s that he’s not as controlled by the NWO, swamp, deep state, whatever you prefer to call it.

Oh no, people from New York for a long time what an asshat he was and is.

But if despite his outrageous comments and behavior during his campaign still vote for him, then all I can say is “well you get the kind of leader that you deserve”.

And yes, he was asked multiple times to turn over the documents, and just refused. I mean, what else were they supposed to do?

That’s not true, they asked for the documents and he agreed. Then they requested to go to his home and he disagreed, then they raided.

Lots of people are seeing where the bar is being set in this game, what goes around, comes around.

“Yes, you can have the documents.”

“Where are they?”

“At my home.”

“So can we stop by and pick them up”


Yeah, that works well doesn’t it.

They could have been handed over at the gate, there was no need for a home invasion.

Or Trump could have mailed the documents back to where they belonged.

Or Trump should not have taken them in the first place.

But never mind the facts.

What about Hillary’s emails!

A certain amount of security would be appropriate, a delegation of officials receiving the documents at the perimeter of Trump’s estate would be the proper course of action. But the FBI is a weaponised arm of the Democrat party who are guilty of among other things, election interference involving foreign entities, but never mind all that.

Well said. Applies to Biden as well. :grinning: