What are you recording right now

It’s a bit odd though, isn’t it? You feeling that you need to post a “disclaimer” to say that you have no opinion about a public internet picture of two blokes.

This is true and I value our friendship. And we did solid music together, my best collab ever. Enough said. And certainly no hurt feelings.

Old stereo mix I found. It rocks, imho.

The pic is supposed to be quantum noise, whatever that is…

Sorry I missed this, saw it just now while looking for this thread. It does rock, sounds like 60’s guitar folk/pop and 70’s Classic rock combined. The last section reminds me of some Neil Diamond tracks, cheers.

I was looking for the thread to post the remake of this which has quite a few additions. Maybe the mix is a bit dull?

I’ll probably post soon a track I’ve been working on that’s more rock metal but kind of melodic also.

This indeed rocks

Very cool Morgon.
Is the mix dull?
It does sound like it’s under a blanket. What’s in your effects chain. A tape emu?

Nostalgia. Remaster. I happen to like this noise. Morgon and me. This is a mash-up of two Beatles songs (guess which ones), an experiment. My vocals are a first take, mixed up some of the words. Maybe the best piece of music I ever done.

No tape emu but a lot of multiple eq’s and instances of multiband comp.

And doing the vocals under a blanket as room is untreated.

What a hoot!

Cool intro with the organ - is that a doubler on your voice? Wich one? I’ve tried a couple, non of them particularly good. The transition from the second chorus to the guitar solo is very good. I wouldn’t mind 3 db more on the sologit. The bass player is loosing focus at the end. The drums could also come up a bit, maybe with a bit of high-end on them for good measure, if you think the track is a bit on the dull side.

Overall a good song. You’re a good songwriter, with a 1970s vib. Nothing to complain about there. Btw, I just discovered The Black Crowes, great band, maybe you know about them.

The drawbar organ is that Rumpelrausch free vst. I should put that on some previous tracks as well.

Vocal is physically doubled, two separate tracks and both with the Ozzifier Chorus vst which comes with Reaper.

Thanks for the mix advice, I’ll make those changes and repost it sometime in the near future.

I’ve heard quite a lot of the Black Crowes, excellent band.

I read about them back in the day, but never gave them a listen. Thanks to YouTube I heard them now… A band that doesn’t need “hit” songs, because the music is great as it is, imo.

Would the vocal be better not doubled?

The consensus at expert level strongly favors doing a second vocal track as I’ve done here, rather than using a vst to double vocals, but maybe I didn’t mix the two voc tracks properly?

E.g maybe they’re too much the same in volume?

It must be hard to mix your own vocals bc you’re so familiar with the parts of your own voice you don’t like.

Maybe listen to the whole mix with the doubler plugin set to zero mix and then try 5%, 10, 15, 20 etc.
It’s all personal pref but I think your normal voice could poke through a bit more than the effect

They had a #1 hit in the US with this, but it’s a cover of an Otis Redding song:

No, imo. The doubling is well done, nothing wrong with it.

Pat Metheny

Decided one day

That volcanoes were made out of cheese