What are you recording right now

Sounds good, you could harmonise some of it, maybe play on a different guitar or pickup.

Could use some musical composition help on this.

It’s A7 - D7 - C# - Bm7 then back to A7. Looking for something like a key break or middle 8 or whatever it might be called, to break things up a bit instead of just playing the same four chords over and over again.


I changed it up a bit, using C# as the break.

Just simple rhythm tracks to play lead guitar parts over.

I did this one in November and almost forgotten about it. Very sketchy, the words are improvised. I may do a proper production one day.

I really like that vocal hook. You give it a special energy (the high D dropping to A, no idea what you are singing : ) ) and those notes could maybe do with being kept back for a while, maybe staying a bit lower at 0:27 with an A to D (then F#, G, A, E). Maybe a teaser second rep with (eg) an A to a soft high D too which would give the full energy hook extra life.

Thanks, man, will try out your suggestions. Or, God willing, I write a new one and leave it like it is, unfinished, with an “it is what it is” attitude. I find this little piece to be more musical than my more polished productions. This may be the easy-going sound I should stick to.

Imo a single vocal harmony track [female] added to this would pretty much complete it.

Alright, yes, that would be beautiful. Wish I knew some singers. I did once, but career and family life got in the way.

The intent was to post two tracks by New Year as stated in the procrastinator thread. The other one is almost done. I’m interested to get mix feedback on this one, I’m using different vsti’s, no more kontakt player, and all free stuff except for S-gear and Gtr FX Box 3. I can’t be bothered authorising plugins after crashes anymore.

I seriously doubt that the following version is the final one, unless I get hit by a bus or something, but posting tracks is a good move toward completion imo

I’ll post it in the new old procrastinator thread at the Reaper forum also, bc I said I would.

Dang, the synth is a bit loud in places

The drums seem to be from the drummer’s perspective - no biggie. I find the overall mix a bit muddy and full, wouldn’t mind some more space around the band. I would try to lower the rhythm guitars a few db, maybe cut out some low end, same with the backing vocals. More solo guitar.

Good call, thanks. I’ll repost it with some improvements in the near future.

Best wishes for the New Year, cheers.

A big session on this track has really improved it tremendously, will post new version in coming days.

I’ve written a proper lyric for my latest offer. So… I will probably do a new production with better sounds, a different arrangement (to some degree), chasing the demo, in other words… See if I can keep the things I find musical intact, whilst improving other things. Could be fun.

Thinking about calling this “Fly Away”.

Just a rough rhythm and melody idea, hoping BarryMK might want to collaborate on this.

Starts out a little rough and then I get a little carried away with some pinch harmonics towards the end.


Very good, I like the ballad style one you posted on the Reaper forum recently a lot as well. The keyboards on this one remind me of the Doors sound, cool vintage vibe.

Disclaimer: I’m neither for the promotion nor persecution of what’s displayed in that graphic

Human traits. Old song, new production.

of course, you’re just commenting on it for no reason

So you don’t think there’s a reason, why did you comment then.

Jorgen and I are good friends for some years, I’ve always been aware of his orientations, I was just making clear mine to readers, so what?

Jorgen and I have exchanged emails from time to time, he’s a great guy and first rate musician, we’ve collabed on several tracks, we’re still on the same good terms as always. He’s called me “a free spirit, anarchist maybe” I take no offence. That’s what friends do, not having to watch our step over everything we say.