What are you recording right now



First tune in Reaper for ages.

Sounds cool ala Floyd/Beatles. I’d be inclined to use a couple of lines such as " And by the way, it’s okay" and “I just wanna say, it’s okay” etc to break up the overexpectance of the direct “it’s okay”.

Cheers Morgo, fair cop about mixing a bit of lyrical variation.
I think my big take away is that maybe I should use a click track from now on. I just can’t get a solid structure to the beat, make’s it feel flakey

Really nice. You should have a collaborator who forced you to work harder making music. A producer perhaps, or an agent with some shady mob connections, keeping you on your toes… Keeping you happy with blow and hookers if that’s your thing. Seen such guys in films, maybe they actually exist?
How about Lorde? Any news? I really like her stuff.

Ha ha yes I need to work harder at making music. That last track has no vibe lasting longer than a few secs, my voice is way out of tune, I could have used a compressor to lower the dynamic range of the vocal to make it sit in the mix. For some reason this only comes to me once I post it, so fuck it I should post more.

Lorde is ok I think. Not sure until she returns my calls. Not sure why she blocked my number.

I think it depends on levels of popular ‘achievement’ no matter the skill level/artistic merit. I’ve put my head down at some expense of social interaction in an attempt that one day I might be the guitarist in David Bowie’s band. Btw, anyone seen Bowie lately?

Still no recording here. Just lots of daily playing. My playing was complete shit when I monkeyed everyday with a daw, plugins, recording forums, and all that baggage. All that stuff was a big distraction away from playing.

Yeah Bowie is ignoring me as well.
Wonder what the excuse is this time!

Call me mental, but he may have sent us a warm thought.

I too figure it’s a good idea to work quickly where possible and not to get too mired in trying to finish it if that proves difficult.

Better imo to move onto another project at the moment feelings of frustration arise, and come back to the previous project[s] some days, weeks etc. later.

I often find that the logic hurled at it at the time can pay off as you lay back and await the real answers which may become glaringly obvious upon first playback after a spell.

It’s taking me a while to finish the main track I’ve been working on but that’s mainly bc there’s now two main tracks I’m working on.

Nothing new in any of that of course

Yes indeed.
Keep it light
Make fast decisions
Don’t drink too much
Appraise it’s value after a pause.

Garrick, I command thee to record a tune!!!

Yes master

I’m here if you want some extra tracks on some songs, I don’t need credit, your tracks esp the later ones I’d be glad to contribute to if needed.

When I drink a bit too much I practice vocals rather than stuff up edits in projects etc.:slight_smile:

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Sounds a plan Morgon G!!

I’m familiar with this. I have several almost finished tracks waiting on vocals and guitar. Maybe it’s a mental thing, but some days I simply can’t sing any good. Or play. Nevertheless, I’ve done a bit of practicing lately. What I should do is to be content with my natural sound, and don’t rely too much on the midi stuff. I wish I could do it as Lennon did on Plastic Ono Band, wonderful record, minimalistic yet powerful.

I like to experiment with vocal stuff I can’t really do, I never achieve what I’d intended but figure there’s some benefit from the mere attempt. Geeze I hope the neighbours can’t hear some of those practice sessions :smile:

Fuck em. Let’s hear the neighbor’s vocal skills. :grinning:

Morgo, maybe you (we) aren’t going far enough in the experiments. I can count on less than one hand the number of local people I have heard having something worth singing about in the first place and then pulling it off in a non-robot way.

I’d say music experiments are good practice at the least.

I always wanted to write some ballads but not base them on anything too much I’d already heard or genre etc.

A track I’m working on at the moment has ballad style minor key verses followed by an attempt to bridge to an upbeatish chorus. Atm it might be a too abrupt transition so this is where experimental mode is needed, something natural to this particular track and not just shoehorn in some rock cliche or other.

I’ve been trying things out with the click track with last tune “Here come’s the rain” and added some lyrics.
Some pleasing results but I manage to stuff it up somewhere down the line.
Also trying out Jeff Lynne’s approach of playing high hat to the click until you get the vibe and starting from that loop. Also trying for high hat loop of 2 measures so every measure isn’t an exact replica of the last.

I feel like a mad scientist trying out all this shit, hopefully something comes of it.

And yeah, I would like to work on tunes with others for sure