Any Linux users here?


I have thought about going that way numerous times. Maybe next year. I have spent too much money over the last year on music gear. Guitar amps, bass amp, speakers, power amps, mixer(s).

MS is as evil as they have ever been. Embrace, extend, extinguish. They are doing it right now for sure.

Apple’s walled garden seems to be cracking in recent years. It seems that they will have to make some sort of big move sooner or later to hold it together. I don’t see them going open source, so I’m guessing that they will eventually open up to a wider variety of hardware, maybe with ‘partners’.

Every forum has an edgelord.
Syd is working hard to make that a reality.

I’m just me. If labels make you feel better.

Just my failed attempt at humor Syd.
You are a great guy in my book. No sarcasm.

Ha, that’s what I’m running. Well, with standard PS on Win10 and PS Core on occasion in Linux. With Terminal + oh-my-posh + posh-git + neovim + YouCompleteMe it’s top notch.

Dealing with objects instead of just piping text around like it’s 1980 is much more sensible.

An app crash while upgrading borked my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS install the other day so I went straight to 20.10 on reinstall. I have to say that it’s a very snappy, responsive UI. Only thing missing is fling/inertial touchpad scrolling in browsers.

This gnome extension integrates the top bar with a maximised window title bar:

I hate the “double title bar” effect without it or a similar solution.

Still running Manjaro here (thanks Garrick). No out of the ordinary issues since I began using it. The one really annoying issue that I have on linux is that CUPS updates tend to screw up my driver config, which causes printing of many gibberish pages. But I think that isn’t a Manjaro specific issue, which tends to happen with some printers on linux.

Manjaro looks interesting, like Arch without the hassle. It seems like what people were saying about Linux in 2010 is coming true as far as desktop usability/stability is concerned. Although Windows has never moroned out on me during an upgrade.

I never understood why CUPS has so many issues. I would think that over decades time this stuff would have been ironed out.

I think it ‘just’ takes more people buying based on Linux support. My personal suspicion is that some of that sweet Linux support offered by the Linux guys like Red Hat is dependent on not having a beautiful OTB experience for all. Maybe IBM could be a good thing on that front.

Snooko, I have often thought the same thing in general on open source software and support.

Anyone dual-booting Linux with Win 10?
I might install Ubuntu 20.10 if I can find a current step by step walkthough

With an UEFI bios, is it just the fast start option that needs to be disabled? Or other tweaks?

Virtual Box wouldn’t start Ubuntu here, it might be a clash with WSL2, although I thought that got fixed

Hyper-V that WSL2 uses clashes with Virtual Box, but I thought Virtual Box allowed running with Hyper-V now? You can always just use Windows built in Hyper-V Manager.

I dual boot and didn’t do anything special, just put the Ubuntu ISO on a USB stick with Rufus and booted it. That was with 18.04 then 20.10 the same, but overwriting the same partition.

I didn’t know that Gnome got new layouts and a layout switcher.

Microsoft is apparently releasing an rdp-type GUI for WSL2 later this year

I got a GUI working on it via this video,
using the Remote Desktop Connection App, xrdp and xfce4
I haven’t got any audio yet,
and Youtube playback and window resizing has some lag,
But, it works :smiley:


sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install -y xrdp

#[default display manager    -    choose gdm3]

sudo apt install -y xfce4

sudo apt install -y xfce4-goodies

sudo cp /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini.bak

#CHANGE DEFAULT PORT [line 22 & line 218]
sudo sed -i 's/3389/3390/g' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini 

sudo sed -i 's/max_bpp=32/#max_bpp=32\nmax_bpp=128/g' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

sudo sed -i 's/xserverbpp=24/#xserverbpp=24\nxserverbpp=128/g' /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

echo xfce4-session > ~/.xsession


sudo nano /etc/xrdp/




sudo apt install -y firefox



sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp start 

# * Starting Remote Desktop Protocol SERVER



#Computer	localhost:3390
#UserName	None Specified

#CLICK Connect


#session	xorg



Interesting. I’ve used Xming for GUIs with WSL2 in the past, although just for applications and not full desktops. I’m spending more time in Linux proper these days although battery life is a bit sucky compared to Windows.

Looks neat, but unfortunately, Microsoft is Microsoft.

I think 2021 could be the start of the Year of the Linux Phone. Ubuntu Touch is still going and for the self-destructive section of the Linux community that wouldn’t support Ubuntu’s progress if the world was about to end there are other options now too.