Any Linux users here?

Yep, that is what I’m seeing too. It’s almost to the point that I would want to jump in. I do understand the dislike for Ubuntu though given the direction Canonical was headed and the context of why many linux users became linux users in the first place.

Fat chance here. Anyone remember the name of the small commercial linux distro for audio that used this Ween recording in the promo video?

No, Ubuntu Studio is the only audio one I know of and that Windowsey one is the only commercial one I can think of.

Next phone I’m getting is going to be a Linux, probably a PinePhone but I’d rather get in on the next revision cause don’t fancy too much trailblazing.

Me too. Pinephone is doing alot right for my taste, neverminding the lesser than blazing hardware specs. When it becomes fully functional, I’m in.

I’m not too bothered about phone CPU power, that hardware race is a bit silly imo. Sure if you use that power it’s fine but I don’t and I don’t think many do.

The only reason I’ve upgraded my last couple of phones is because of Android and the built in apps getting more and more bloated. I want to move away from that environmental destruction with the tracking and politicking not exactly encouraging me to stay.

Yea, I don’t need a blazing cpu either (or mega ram and storage). Just something enough to not be hitting the rails in a couple of years due to ever more bloated websites.

So I’m off trying to use Linux full time, the battery life is just too different from Windows. It does feel snappier than Windows at the same clock speed so I imagine Windows is moving peripherals in and out of power saving modes, as well as using more hardware accel for graphics.

I hope the same can’t be said for Linux phone, there doesn’t seem to be battery life extension trickling upstream from that work to desk/laptop. Or maybe there has been and it used to be a lot worse?

Yea, I never had great battery life on linux, and I’m not sure what the situation is for linux phones so far.

I’ve installed this:

… and I’m going to give it another shot. This stuff should really be built into the core OS.

Hard to believe this hasn’t been done by any distro.

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I’ll be interested to know how it’s working with the new profiles installed.

I’ve been trying to think why this isn’t built-in.
after reading

I’m none the wiser, probably bc I’m not bright enough to know and it’s probably more than determining when to be idle.

It’s early days, I have a dual battery Thinkpad P52s with the big 2nd battery and it has a bonkers battery life on Windows. It seems like it’s not running out as fast, because I am not annoyed at it running out too fast, but I don’t have any % increase or anything.

Oh I also had the nvidia driver set to “Performance Mode”, which clearly wasn’t helping so now that is set to “On Demand”.

I think Linux has things backwards at times. Most/some distros should be optimised for Mr Man in the Street and the tweakers and hackers can config it to taste. Arch is a special case because it’s supposed to be the distro that’s a blank slate.

Seems like I remember tinkering with that battery stuff on Arch once upon a time (not all that long ago). Think I might be getting a case of the Biden syndrome. Seriously having some cognitive issues over the last year.

I haven’t installed arch for years but the documentation is fantastic for any thing Linux

Yea, it has been years for me too. These days that wasn’t that long ago. The years seem to be flying by.

I read that Canonical is going to be using Google’s Flutter framework for their software on Ubuntu, including the installer. Hmm.

How’s Manjaro working out? Anything to look out for?

Manjaro has been my daily driver for a while. Nothing really negative to note yet, although my demands aren’t great. Just an out of the box desktop with maybe a dozen applications that weren’t installed out of the box. It is a rolling release, so keep it updated regularly. If you go too long without updating things could get hairy getting it updated. Rolling releases are nice in that if you need some latest application, it is most likely available soon after release or will be available before too long. And Reaper runs fine.

Cheers, good to get some wisdom on the subject - I’m giving it a whirl at the moment. I’ve deleted Windows for the first time ever, but am going to install a VM when I get settled in.

I have tinkered with linux on and off for a long time. After a while of going all in, I really don’t miss windows. Of course there are tradeoffs, but the few things that I thought that I couldn’t do without on windows are really no big deal in hindsight.

One minor complaint about Manjaro is the the default theming is on the uglier side, but after a while I have gotten used to it. It doesn’t bother me a bit anymore. I guess if you marry an ugly girl the love melts away the ugly over time. :smiley:

I have plumped for gnome with the Unity layout so it’s pretty much looks the same as Ubuntu. That may or may not be a good thing for a Linux purist! :slight_smile:

I’m in two minds about the Linux rolling vs periodic release thing. It’s all a bit weird, system libraries are one thing but having apps depend on global things for random XML or whatever libs doesn’t make sense now that we have more than 4MB of memory and storage. Both release schedules seem like compromises for that built-in landmine.