Bye Bye Fauci

How do explain the ‘phenomena’ of such an overrepresented 2%-3% minority having such a domination in so many top positions, the vast majority of internationally important cabinet positions?

You can’t, so you’re off into the weeds positing that e.g a #3 in a department hypothetically has any deciding vote against the #1,#2 and #4 in that department.

Lol, I didn’t post the claim that all ten of biden’s high profile appointees are jews. You did.

And it isn’t true.

No I didn’t, I described the fact that Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defence has no power to decide e.g what happens with the Ukraine policy. Even though those policies mean $billions been sent to Ukraine ostensibly for ‘military support’.

So, that explains why he’s not on the list, but the secretary of the department of science and technology is?


It’s true, those Jewish occupied positions have 100% control over what foreign policies are decided upon. In the big picture, those decisions are far more important than one made by a Secretary of Transport for instance.

When are you gonna offer an explanation of why so many top positions of international importance are dominated by a 2%-3% minority?

Sorry, you got it wrong!

The correct answer is: The secretary of the department of science and technology policy is on the list ahead of the secretary of defense, because the secretary of defense isn’t jewish, and then you wouldn’t have a top ten list of all jews.

If that doesn’t matter, then why lie about it?

Lloyd Austin didn’t make the executive decision to mandate the ‘vax’ for federal employees or contractors but he made his vax mandate decision exactly in line with govt policy, how surprising!

So he, backed by govt policy, could mandate the vax to the military, yay for you.

But if you’re positing that he plays some major role in foreign policy such as $billions to Ukraine, then Bahaha yet again.

Maybe at this point I should retrieve the Israeli PM’s [Netanyahu?] statement about how Jews run the USA, maybe you can look that guy up and argue instead with him about it.

Right, so it must be that the secretary of the department of science and technology policy has more influence over foreign policy than the secretary of defense, and that’s why that position made the list, and the secretary of defense didn’t.


Sidenote: Alex Stein would make a fine President ime. Look him up

Yes, you do like a professional troll. Just like Andrew Anglin, you’re satisfied if you can aggravate someone. Even if you know something you posted isn’t true, you can still get what you crave.

Unfortunately it doesn’t really work on me, because I see straight through you.

Yeah right, make it all about me; you simply refuse to explain how a 2%-3% minority is so overwhelmingly overrepresented in the topmost internationally important positions in the US govt.

You posted it. And now you’re stuck with it. Because if you admit it’s a lie, then you can’t claim that all this is all just about is exposing the truth.

You can’t fight for truth with lies. So, there is some other motivation. I wonder what that could be?

That list is a calculated construction. Not the result of a mistake.

The elephant in the room is your refusal to posit an explanation for a 2%-3% minority dominating the internationally important cabinet positions.

If someone else were to come along besides me and ask the same question, would you answer it then?

Lol, 11 out of 16 cabinet members are white.

Trump’s cabinet featured two women, and one black man.

But I don’t care about that. That’s not how I judge them.

Secretaries of the far less internationally relevant depts
From the Wiki-
“Biden altered his cabinet structure, elevating the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers,[1] director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy[2] and ambassador to the United Nations as Cabinet-level positions.[3] Biden removed the director of the Central Intelligence Agency from his Cabinet.[4]

You’re pretending that the key positions for implementing international policies are not dominated by the 2%-3% minority demographic.

I’m positing that you posted a lie about the top ten high profile positions in Biden’s cabinet, and that you’ll do anything to change the subject, because if you admit it’s a lie, then you have to deal with what motivated the lie, and it can’t be what you claim is just looking for the truth about the jews.

The number of jews in those positions are what they are. I don’t care. That’s not how I judge people. I never tried to lie about it.

Your post however does. If it was just about the truth of the numbers, and not motivated by something else, then why the lie?

The answer is simple. Cause someone wanted a list of all Jews, cause that has more dramatic effect. Doesn’t matter if it’s not true. You’ll still use it. And you are.

You seem to think that because you believe you’re right about something else, that the lies don’t matter, just the vibe. I say the lies expose what’s under the skin. The real motivation.

People who are motivated by the truth don’t craft deceptive stories like that. They don’t need to. There is no motivation to do so.

And I’m proving that you’re lying , you can pretend that a Transport dept portfolio is as important as #1,#2 and #4 State Dept positions and then posit that the #3 State Dept position changes the consensus somehow but that’s obviously bullshit. The graphic speaks for itself, all those extremely important positions are occupied by a 2%-3% minority, and now you say you “don’t care” that they’re Jewish. Well of course you fucking don’t, as long as they’re Jewish, like you.

Who’s pretending?

Tell me again about how the secretary of the department of science and technology policy is as important as the secretary of defense?

If it really was about the importance of the jobs, in terms of what you consider most important, being foreign policy, then explain that one to me.

You can’t. Because it doesn’t make sense. Because it was a decision made to get jews on a list, not to further truthful understanding.

Even funnier is your #1 2 & 4 bullshit. Third in command is somehow less high profile than fourth, because you believe that they’re outnumbered by jews?

Again, you attribute profile based on whether or not they’re jewish, in a list that claims to sort positions based on profile.

That’s a self selecting list that selects based on jewisness. You always get the answer you want.

Tl, dr but perhaps I’m not doing those nepotistic efforts justice i.e I’d left some out but hey, that CIA guy now isn’t classified by Biden as anyone as important as the Secretary for a bs Education, right?-