The Democrats using the FBI to go after Trump

On that subject, I am sure you would agree that destroying the evidence would have been perfectly acceptable?

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Absolutely not.

Although Trump, being the idiot that he is, routinely shredded documents while occupying the White House. Youā€™re not supposed to do that as President. But, again, heā€™s an idiot.

Yeah and weā€™d be idiots to not believe everything you say, right?

Frankly my dear, I donā€™t give a damn whether you believe me or not.

Lucky for you then.

Referencing the meme you posted on another thread about not arguing with stupid people, you should also include ā€œtrue believersā€ in that. I learned that a long time ago from the Jesus Freaks and Southern Baptists.

Itā€™s really a shame Peter because you can bring a different perspective to a lot of these discussions, but instead, you just resort to insulting people.

OK, Iā€™m curious about what point youā€™re really trying to make.

Is that a question for me Phil?


Which point are you referring to? I tend to ramble so if you could pick one that would help our discussion.

Iā€™m not even sure based on what I just read.

Iā€™m not having a go at you. Just trying to understand.

I welcome the discussion my friend, I donā€™t think youā€™re trolling me here.

Are you referring to my comment about not arguing with true believers?

I guess you could look at calling trump an idiot as an insult.

But I know a lot of smart people who disagree with me, and we respect each other. I donā€™t think the same dynamic could exist between me and Trump.

I donā€™t think it would be the same between me and you.

Maybe thatā€™s just arrogance on my behalf.

What do you think?

Edited for drunk clarity, because I really think that your motivations are much less self centered than Trumpā€™s are.

When I say that the same dynamic couldnā€™t exist between you and me, and me and Trump, itā€™s because I think Trump is full of shit, and I donā€™t think you are.

Nobody can be right about everything. But being wrong isnā€™t what makes you an asshole. Thatā€™s everyone. Itā€™s dishonesty that I canā€™t handle.

My comment about Peter insulting people wasnā€™t directed specifically at him calling Trump an idiot, itā€™s more in the totality of his other posts.

Keep in mind I like Peter, I donā€™t agree with him on a lot of things, but thereā€™s still respect, just like your comment about respecting others who disagree with you.

Personally, I enjoy engaging in discussions with others who hold different points of view, thereā€™s much to be learned in that. Locking yourself up in your own little echo chamber gets very boring.

That goes back to my 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s computer geek dream about this technology bringing people closer together. While it has devolved into the present day shit storm we have, there still exists the opportunity to engage with people from all different walks of life. I still believe that in doing that, you come away with a better understanding of people and begin to realize that theyā€™re really not that much different than you are.

Youā€™re from Australia, Iā€™m from the US. And while we both grew up under different realities in a lot of cases, I think if we were to engage in honest discussions about what our lifeā€™s experiences were, and what we want for ourselves and those closest to us, weā€™d find that, while we may not agree on everything, weā€™re really not that much different.

People are always driven by their fear of the unknown. Itā€™s only by shedding light on that unknown that you learn not to fear.

I guess maybe Iā€™d be more sympathetic to the whole Trump thing, if I thought that I could ever have a conversation with him like I can with you.

I think thatā€™s fantasy land. I donā€™t think he ever has, or ever will have the self awareness for any such constructive dialog.

I doubt youā€™d have a chance either, if you were face to face with him.

No argument there Phil, but I would extend that to all of those whoā€™s egos drive them to accumulate money, power, and control.

But the thing is, people like that are always going to be around, itā€™s one of those necessary evils in life.

But that doesnā€™t mean we need to blindly follow them and let what they say be our motivation to unleash hatred and violence on one another.

As it relates to my opinion of Trump, as Iā€™ve said before, he was the right message, but the wrong messenger. I do believe that D.C. is a swamp, and I believe if you look at what the US government has done overall, it wasnā€™t done with the best interest of people like me in mind. Iā€™m not saying I havenā€™t benefited from some of it, but I think those are cases of happy coincidence rather than intent.

But for those who think otherwise, who think everything good in life springs from what D.C. does, Iā€™m not going to attack them, or demand that they lose their jobs or be banished to the wastelands. Iā€™ll just respectfully disagree and go about my business, always open to extend them a hand should they ever need it.

What constructive dialogue of spin, lying by omission, legal shields and linguistic dodges do you imagine having with other world leaders who are in positions because of these skills? At least most in the West are.

Iā€™m much more confident with Biden than I would be with Trump, that if we discussed an issue, that we could come to a reasonable understanding of each otherā€™s position, regardless of whether we agreed or disagreed.

Trump just shat on everything. Cathartic maybe. But otherwise completely useless.

Alright, Iā€™m off to bed. Weā€™ll have to take this up later.

And thatā€™s fine Phil, but to me, Biden is the epitome of the swamp.

A career politician with no real record of accomplishment, beholden to special interests that provided the money and resources that kept him in power. Plus, he and most of the rest of them are just too damn old.