What are you recording right now

Wow, lot’s going on with that. You really get some interesting and unique tones with all the stuff you have in there. I think it’s cool when I hear things I’ve never heard before.

I try to do something like that with my guitars, play like two or three different guitars, different pickups, pedal, and amp settings, just playing around with trying to find new tones and different ways different instruments can sound together.

Good work.

Thanks T. There’s one strummed gtr and another chorused gtr sometimes harmonised.

It’s “busier” early on than it is halfway through so I probably need to balance it a bit, cheers.

Beyond category. Sounds like a statement, arty activism? Some wild moments for sure. On the whole a very elaborated piece of music.

The basics of this one inc lyrics have been there for a couple of years, it could be interpreted in different ways i.e literally or figuratively.

tl;dr : I don’t really remember lol

Good man!!
You should do more

Give Barry my regards :slight_smile:

Fucking wonderful

Reminds me a bit of Bowie’s Diamond Dog LP

Horae will be rapt :slight_smile:

Thanks Garrick, cheers mate.

On the Reaper forum I mentioned that the outro part reminded me of Zeekat’s comment about “bad 70’s crime dramas” as an influence haha

Maybe Horae was the originator of the term “Freeze, motherfuckers!” :rofl:

Will do Garrick.

Here’s one that Barry came up with just off my simple little 12 bar blues rhythm track. The rhythm track was just something I was playing around with, chasing tone with a couple of different guitars. Never looked at it as a production type of track.

Barry took that one simple rhythm track and added everything else. I thought it came out pretty good.

Seems Barry is da man. Strong lyrics and vocal delivery. Made me think of southern swamp blues – a touch of spookyness.

He certainly is.

We’ve got another project in the works, a song Barry wrote called The Loner. Not the Neil Young cover, but I’m channeling my internal Neil on some of the guitar parts. :grinning:

Voice is distorting. Worst case scenario is the audio interface crapping out on me. The end of my homerecording career.

Thinking about it, I still have an XP desktop gathering dust. It worked last time I fired it up. Best comp I ever had, but noisy as hell these days. Might blow up anytime. Christ, why do we bother with this? In the words of Warren Zevon: My shit is fucked.

I didn’t notice distortion but my battered hearing is not a good judge.

With my rig, sometimes the USB input from the interface needs to be unplugged and then plugged back in, sometimes several times and maybe jiggled a bit to make proper contact. It might be a interface driver issue but USB ports may deteriorate over time through repeated use. Whatever the case, sometimes the connection is totally without sound, sometimes a bit distorted and sometimes a lot.

Didn’t really notice that much distortion either, but like you, my ears aren’t the best.

Good point about unplugging the USB connector. Metal contacts oxidize over time, affecting conductivity. The metal on metal scraping you get when unplugging and plugging them helps remove that. Just don’t go in there with a sand blaster. :grinning:

No distortion here either and it sounds great Jorgen.
the usb interface is making your words sound Swedish however. maybe a firmware update?

I agree, a fine track.

Thanks man. Well, I do use an old driver since the new one acted funny. They may have updated that one, though. Good tip, will check. Won’t change that Swedish sound, however…

And good thing too. :grinning:
Please excuse my humour Jorgen, I don’t get out that much

I almost didn’t get it. Haven’t had a drink in two months.

My latest collaboration with Barry. I’m playing all the guitar parts, Barry did everything else, including the mix.

Yep, this pairup is happening in a really good way, cheers Tol.