What are you watching right now?

VR drum app Paradiddle

[edit] WTF, can’t embed this one?

Oh, no sardonic comment from brainfucker? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t agree with technology.

“T’ain’t no slash-dot-dash-dot on my motherfucking mop” -brainwreck

Yugo commercial from 1986-

Somehow there’s never been another car commercial like it

Goddamn you, YouTube.

Terrific movie, classic from the 1990s.

And that soundtrack by Jerry Goldsmith!!

This is the best movie ever made.

It’s real. It’s turbulent.

Trailer Park Boys. “Documenting” the lives of truly epic examples of Canadian trailer trash.

Julian and his fucking magical ever-present rum 'n coke. Gets me every time.

Watch it bitch. Divine.

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Robert Kennedy Jr. speech in Berlin on covid and control

Are there good guys? Are there bad guys? Alright.

I watched the Chernobyl series recently. Definitely a good watch if you haven’t seen it.

It shows how when things really go bad, it’s never because of one thing. It’s always a series of unrelated events coming together at a point in time. Take any one of those unrelated events out of the equation, and the disaster doesn’t happen.

The worst airline disaster in history, those two 747’s colliding at Tenerife, is another good example. All those unrelated events, from the bombing at the original destination airport, to the fog, and the decisions that were made combined to put both of those jets on the runway at the same time.

Take any one of those events out, and those planes don’t collide.

Downton Abbey and The Cook from Castamara. Loved them😂